Chapter 10-18 weeks Preparation

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She moved over to the side of the room. What if we put the chair here and then moved changing table here. She pointed around the room?

They finished the renovation for the living room and they were going to start on the baby's room next week as soon as they knew the gender?

You want to put the crib then by the window. He asked while writing down the dimensions of how they were laying it out?

Eddie looked at the window and then around the room. Wait no. She said immediately?

So, no crib by the window. He looked at her confused?

She stood with her one hand on her back. No. She thought about it as she spoke?

Jamie laughed. Why not?

Eddie looked at him incredulously. What if some psycho decides they want to kidnap our kid. She said?

Ed, I don't think anyone will break through our window. He said to her?

You don't know that. She said seriously. Jamie looked at her like she was crazy. Wait, can we just leave the crib in our room, so I can watch the baby. Eddie looked at him with puppy eyes?

You want two cribs. He stared in confusion?

Eddie sighed. No, I just, I want to keep the baby next to me. She told him?

That's what the chair is for. He said. You can rock it to sleep and feed it. He saw the concern in her eyes. The baby won't know when you're gone, we'll rock it to sleep and put it down?

Ed, nothing is going to happen. There are two of the NYPD's finest cops living here. He told her. My dad and Danny are right around the corner, and I don't think we'll be alone the first week. Erin will be here all day long?

She still looked worried. I will make a promise to you. Nothing will happen, I will make sure of it. He wrapped his arms around her back?

She leaned into him. I can't even hug you anymore. She joked with her stomach showing?

Jamie looked around the room again. He kissed the top of her head and backed up. We can place the crib in the corner, we can put the chair right next to the window, and then I can put the changing table next to the door. He directed?

I think that's perfect. She smiled. But, can we get locks on the windows?

Jamie laughed at her as he closed the measuring tape. Sure?

I'm paranoid, it's our first baby and while I'm on leave, you'll be at work. She told him. I'll be alone?

I'll be there every step of the way. You don't have to worry. He put his hands on her back?

What color do you think. She asked him still in his arms?

Colors, oh we haven't talked about that yet. He responded?

I didn't want anything too crazy. No wallpapers, just one solid color. She explained. I want it to go along with the flow of the rest of the house?

Jamie looked around again. What if we did a neutral gray tone. He suggested?

Eddie's head starting spinning with ideas. And then for we can do pops for color with the baby blankets and pillows. She pictured as she was putting the room together in her head?

I'm going to tear out the flooring in here and add carpeting. He explained to her. I'm going to start getting rid of the popcorn ceiling this weekend, and then I'll start painting?

Can I move in here. Eddie smirked. It's going to look so cute in here. She said while looking around at the empty walls?

Yeah, well. He sighed. I have to get to work. I requested off next week. He told her?

Okay. She smiled and fixed his tie. I'll see you at home, Sarge. She said and stood on her tippee toes reach him?

I'm home. He yelled as he closed the front door. I brought dinner. When he didn't hear her respond, he removed his shoes and walked into the living room where she was lying asleep on the couch?

He crouched down beside her on the floor and brush through her hair. Hey, I brought dinner. He whispered to her. Her eyes slowly opened in his direction?

Hi, sorry. She said till groggy. My back was hurting so I laid down for a bit, guess I fell asleep?

He helped us off the couch. Guess what I got from Renzulli today. He said as she followed him into the kitchen?

Hmm. She hummed as she looked into the bag of food. Jamie tossed her the bag. What's this. She asked?

She opened the bag and saw the different baby clothes. Marie said to give them to you. They were clothes they never used for their kids because they were too small. He said to let him know if we wanted them, and I told him we'd take them. He explained to her. I haven't looked at any of them yet?

She pulled the clothes out of the bag. There were all different types. She gave them onesies, blankets, shirts, pants, baby socks, and hats?

Aw look at this one. She said and pulled out a fluffy pink onesie. It had ears on the hood and paws on the feet?

That's adorable. He laughed as she passed it to him and looked in the bag at the other clothes?

Watch it be a boy. She laughed. That'd be my luck?

Ah Jamie look. She screeched in excrement. It's the NYPD one?

Jamie looked at the one she was holding up and grabbed the matching cap that went along with it. It matches?

She giggled at his excitement. Oh I can't wait to hold our baby. She smiled in awe while Jamie immediately continued to search the bag?

Its gonna be a girl. He laughed. Look it's a sign?

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