Chapter 4-11 weeks Sickness

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The Reagan family gathered at the front of banquet hall. The yearly brunch that was celebrated with all the newly promotions that we're given this year. It was a simple way to say thank you for all they go. Frank attended every year with his family and this year Jamie was one who was being represented?

The weather was warm and was getting hotter as the day went on. Renzulli came up being the Reagan family and said his hellos as he entered in with his wife. He was promoted to captain as of earlier last year. Jamie stood close to Eddie and kept a hand on her back for reassurance. Lately he found himself more in the habit of keeping a close eye on her due to her sickness and he felt it as a way to protect her and the baby?

The brunch was seated outside in front of the Riverside. Frank allowed everyone to get settled in before he made his way up to the podem to make his speech?

Standing in front of the crowd of people were about hundred different families. Eddie and Jamie found their way standing in front of Marie and Tony before having any small talk?

In a pair of heels and a short dress, Eddie stood close to Jamie, as he clung onto her hand. Her bump was visible but nothing people would notice if they never seen her before. Not even halfway through the speech, she felt the heart start to get to her. Her eyes felt tingly and little black dots blurred her vision, she couldn't hear a word that was being spoken. She clutched onto Jamie's arm on the verge of passing out. Her head was bowed staring straight at the floor. Jamie immediately turned his attention towards her and knew something wrong when he turned to look at her. She was pale as a ghost?

Renzulli watched as Eddie grabbed onto his arm before almost falling over as he stood directly behind them?

Feel like you're gonna pass out. Jamie whispered quickly behind her, as he acted fast before something happened?

She nodded her head while keeping her eyes close, and kept a stern hold on his arm without making a lot of movement. Okay. He said quickly?

Renzulli walked closer up behind them in concern. She okay. He asked as Jamie was asking her a few questions?

He shook his head and look back down at Eddie. Let's get inside before something happens to you, okay. He told her quickly?

Her breathing was heavier than normal and he felt her heart rate through her hand as they made their way through the crowd of people as Renzulli followed close behind?

Frank watched as his daughter-in-law held a firm grip on Jamie and followed behind as they rushed her into the building. She couldn't see where so was going, her eyes were filling with black dots?

They brought her into the inside of the restaurant where no party was active in the room. Her hand was cold from the sweating and shaking. The cold air blew on their faces as they opened the door?

Jamie. She screeched as she leaned forward almost falling and gripped onto his arms. Jamie immediately grabbed onto her and held her in his arms?

Renzulli grabbed the closest chair her could find and brought it in front of her. Here. He warned as he dragged the chair for her. Sit down?

She didn't think twice, she sat down onto the chair slowly while her eyes were still closed tight. Jamie knelt down beside her. Eddie, look at me. He asked her in concern. What are you feeling?

He took her hand in his and she held a firm grip and opened her eyes as she felt herself starting to cool down by the air conditioning. Lightheaded and nauseous. She said slowly?

Renzulli quickly walked back over and handed her a glass of ginger ale and a few packets of saltines crackers. Here take these. He told her. Without looking up, Jamie gratefully took them from Renzulli and put them in her hands?

She's probably dehydrated. He warned Jamie as she took a few sips of the ginger ale and ate a few crackers?

Jamie brushed a hand through her hair and felt her forehead. You're warm babe. He noted?

She looked up at him. My temperature has been up a little. She notified and took another sip of her drink?

Renzulli had his hand on her chair and watched her color start to come back to normal. Better?

She looked up at him and smiled quickly. Yeah thanks. She told him grateful and took a deep breath. She noticed as the two men kept all their attention on her. Sorry. She said quietly?

Jamie looked back down at her as he continued to keep his hand absentmindedly running through her hair?

Don't worry about it. Renzulli told her with a smile. As long as you're okay?

And you have nothing to apologize about. Jamie told her?

She looked up at Jamie and gave him a soft smile. I'm okay?

You sure. He questioned scared this would happen again?

She nodded her head. Yeah, I just-- I just got a little dizzy. I'm fine though. She told him reassuring?

Jamie watched her expressions. Renzulli knows. He smirked?

She saw him relax back a little against the chair, like a weight had been lifted. I figured, but just in case. She smiled lightly?

He rubbed her shoulder blade. Congratulations. He told her softly?

She smiled up at him. Thank you?

He paused for a moment before continuing. Morning sickness really gettin you good. He told her?

Yeah. She smirked. I don't think it would be this bad?

They heard the door open and revealed Frank. She okay. He asked discreetly?

Jamie nodded his head and held his hand on the chair refusing to leave her side?

It's hot out there. He warned the three of them. Sorry Eddie?

She looked up at him. No don't apologize, you didn't do anything. If anything, I should be apologizing for making a scene. She admitted embarrassed?

Don't worry about it. He smiled. Why don't you eat something. He suggested. Do you want to eat in here or...?

She responded quickly. No I can eat out there with everyone, I just needed to cool down. She warned them. She looked up towards Jamie. My head's throbbing. She confirmed?

Jamie rubbed her back. I'll grab you something... try to relax?

Frank looked up at Jamie. Meet you back out?

Yeah. He responded?

Ready. He asked her as she started to regain her color?

Yeah. She sighed. Thanks again boss. She smiled towards him?

He smiled in her direction. He's never seen her look this sick or queasy before. Her head was laid on Jamie's chest as he knelt down next to her?

Next time you feel like that, tell me. Jamie told her?

She gave him a weak smile. I didn't know what was happening?

It's okay. He smiled in her direction softly and sent her a kiss on her forehead?

Renzulli waited a second. I'm going to go back out, Marie is probably worried about you. He smiled towards her?

She nodded her head. Thanks again. She said grateful?

We'll be out there in a second, I just want her temp to come down. He told him as he walked away?

Renzulli walked back outside and it was just the two of them left over. I'm fine. Eddie directed towards him. Really?

Jamie gave her a puzzled look. Babe, you almost passed out in my arms. He said sadly. He sighed. I just want your blood pressure and temperature to go down?

She continued to keep her head on his chest, while he held onto the back on the chair for balance. Thank you?


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