Chapter 3-10 weeks Barely visible

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The RMP ride was silent for most of the day. Eddie allowed Maya to drive today just because she wasn't feeling well still. The morning sickness seemed to take a huge toll on her. So, Reagan knocked you up. Maya slid into the conversation. Eddie figured if she is riding with someone while she was pregnant they should at least know in case something were to ever happen?

She removed her head from glancing out the window. You are having a field day with this. She laughed?

Maya glanced back from the steering wheel. Well, you didn't tell me you were getting married to Sarge until two months before your wedding, and now I'm the first one to find out about you being pregnant, so I don't know how I feel about this. She joked?

Eddie took it into offense. The marriage was a little different of a situation, nobody knew, just family. She clarified. And you were at the wedding?

All right, whatever. Eddie shook her head in disbelief while Maya turned down the street and continued. So how long until I have to get a new partner?

You can't wait to get rid of me. She said in a joking tone. No, I just want details. She added. So, how far along are you?

She sighed. Ten weeks, and as long as I'm not showing, I'm not patrol. So in that case, you're stuck with me?

Maya looked at her as if she was joking. Mmm. She turned her head to face her. What's that supposed to mean?

Maya pulled over to the side and put the car in park. Eddie, look at you. She pointed. You already have a little bump. I can see it from over your vest?

Eddie looked down. To her she looked the exact same, her clothes didn't feel that much different. You cannot. She defended?

Maya glanced back over at Eddie in her seat and smirked to herself?

Eddie walked into the apartment and found Jamie searching through the fridge. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his body, taking in his scent?

He turned his head and saw her face in his side. Hey, you okay. He wondered in concern?

She looked up at his face and moved to the front of his body and continued to keep herself wrapped around him. She didn't say a word to him and the thought was just filling her mind. Am I showing at all. She blurted out?

He looked down at her puzzled. What do you mean. He questioned as he continued to hold her in his embrace?

She stepped out of his arms and leaned back against the counter. Like does it look like I'm pregnant. She sighed?

Ed I... I don't know how you want me to respond to that. He told her. If she didn't want to be showing and he said she was, that might make her upset and if she wasn't and she wanted to that might mess her up too, so he didn't know what was the right answer to give her?

She let out a deep breath. Maya says I'm showing, but I don't see it. She admitted truthfully. I mean, I'm almost two months and you can't even tell. She puffed in defeat?

Jamie looked down at her for a second. She had on a pair of jeans and a flowy top. He could see a little bump barely noticeable, but when she leaned back the bump showed through her shirt?

He smirked at her for a second. Ed, look at your lower abdomen. He pointed out with all joking aside?

She looked down and looked back up at him. I don't see anything different. She put her head down. She was a tad upset, she knew she would eventually show, and she knew there was something in there because of all her sickness, but she wanted to see something?

Jamie watched her put her hand down and so he took her hands in his. She looked up at his eyes and watched as he started moving. Where are we going. She questioned?

The bathroom?

The bathroom. She thought to herself confused?

She watched as he led her into the bathroom in front of the mirror. Look at your stomach, it's wider than it was two weeks ago. He clarified. Ed, you're not going to have a drastic change yet. You're still in your first trimester?

She lifted her shirt and looked at her stomach in the mirror. Jamie put his hand on her back and tried to read how she was feeling. It doesn't look like it. She said sadly?

When Erin and Linda were pregnant they started showing lower down first. He pointed out. With her shirt up she turned to get a side view. Wait. She said. She lowered her jean down a little. Right there. Jamie said from behind her and touched her lower abdomen. Eddie looked in the mirror to where he was touching. Guess I am showing a little. She said and a smile appeared back on her face?

Jamie lowered his head into her neck and wrapped his arms around her bare stomach?

I love you. He smirked?

I love you more?

Jamie walked into the bar with Danny and Renzulli. They waved him towards his table. Where's the wife. Renzulli asked immediately. He hasn't seen the two of them in a while since they transferred precincts about two years ago?

Jamie shook his head. She's home sleeping. He responded?

Renzulli stared at him and then moved his eyes towards Danny. Never thought I would hear Janko in bed by nine. He confessed. What did you do to her. He asked sly and took a sip of his beer he was nursing?

Danny smirked. Yeah kid, what did you do to her. He laughed figuring he didn't know she was pregnant yet?

Me. He said innocent. I didn't do anything. She's just nauseous and lightheaded, so I told her to go to bed, and then you guys invited me. He explained?

She got the flu. Renzulli questioned. He thought of Eddie as one of his own kids, she always came to him if she needed help and he would always be a hand that she could count on when she was in trouble?

The waiter came over and put Jamie's drink in front of him and he took a sip. No. He let out air. She's pregnant. He laughed back?

Renzulli almost spit out his drink as he choked. Seriously?

Jamie laughed. I had the same reaction. He responded. But yeah, she's ten weeks. Renzulli smiled. Well congratulations kid, look at you two go. He took another sip of his drink in front of him and finished it off. How's the morning sickness. He questioned?

He sighed. It's rough, she's having a rough time with it, and I hate it because I can't do anything to help her. He responded?

Crackers and ginger ale. He responded almost immediately. Marie's morning sickness lasted almost her whole pregnancy and that was the only thing that seemed to help?

Jamie nodded in agreement. I'll tell her to try that?

Danny joined back into the conversation. Is she still walking patrol. He wondered in concern for his sister-in-law?

Uh yeah, hopefully not for much longer. She said when she starts showing she's coming off, but that could be forever and you see the perps, they don't care who you are. He sighed. But I'm not going to be the husband who forces her. I mean she's already going to be giving up a lot for the family?

Yeah, that's not safe, I would say once the first trimester is over try to talk to her because you don't want anything to happen to her or the baby. Renzulli added in. Is she even showing yet?

Jamie smirked. Yeah, she has a slight bump on her lower abdomen, she was upset that she isn't showing yet. He laughed thinking back to the earlier events?

Renzulli smirked. Well as long as mom and baby are healthy, that's what matters most?

Cheers to that. He responded and the three of them clinked their glasses?

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