Chapter 3- Rain pt.1

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Males POV

I've been spotting this fine lady from the bar so many times. I'm not a heavydrinker but she seems to not drink at all. Her caramel skin wrapping her short curvy figure, she has everything in the right spots. Tonight is couples night,but my friends aren't the best to third wheel around.

I found my way to the bar blinded.

"Hello my name is  ..." She stopped gazing at me.

" I'm Jenai ." She whispered before reconnecting her thoughts.

If there was need, my words flew out as well.   I chuckled holding my hands out on the bar table.

"I just want some water .. And nice  to meet you" the softness in her smile showed me the good in her,but the light in her eyes was gone.

" Well whatever it is! I want my money back! "

"Ma'am there's a no refund policy and you drunk it already. "

" That's the ho who messed up my drink. " Some girl from afar ran over .the next thing you know she was throwing alcohol across the bar. Jenai was the target and it hurt me to see her taken advantage of.

" Richard, when I took this job I took it for the passion and security. Not to be treated like shit. " She ran behind the bar talking to some dude in black.

" I told you it is what it is. Don't give me the extra crap, if you want to complain just take yo shit and leave.!" She groaned and walked through the bar throwing her apron and kicking the small trash can over.

" After all that I've done for this shitty ass place. I should've never fell for the ass himself." Tears streamed down her face . The anger, the tension, maybe I should leave the area before I'm next in the turmoil.

I sat back with some colleagues who were talking about their new works. I get it guys with degree may lose the relaxed mindset. I'm glad I'm not one of those snobby ones. Money was never my top priority,because it's always been there.

It started raining gently outside . I figured it was time for me to leave . The calm environment suddenly gets hormones that are just to string to control. I walked out and the cold instantly froze my lips. I looked to the sides for the valet service provider but instead I seen the same young lady from the bar. Her face was bright red and she cried. She was murming her pain out loud, but I didn't care if she wanted to go off on the world, I just wanted to help.

" Hey, you're all good?". No shit Sherlock, you know she's not. Just walk away now.

" Yeahhh, I'll be fine.. I guess.." She plastered a smile but her tears came out stronger.

" My life was invested in this . I just lost everything. I don't even have a place to go home to , no car to drive away with. This was my place to live." She burst into the tears referencing her place of housing about the club.

" I know you don't know me and vice versa, but let me help you. You can stay at my place. For the night at least, I'd be wrong if I let you stay out in the cold." I held her hand.

"Look, you seem like a nice guy, but I won't sell my body for a place to sleep." She let go and began walking away.

I followed her but she was  running like atrack star undercover.

I called out the valet guy who drove my car . I told him to follow me behind the girl.

"Why are you following me? Leave me alone!" She tripped on the ratchet sidewalk . she seized me from the ground and broke out into tears again.this time she was clearly pissed off about life.

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