Missing you already (2)

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~~Pikachu's pov~~~

We were with Nurse Joy when we heard noise i didn't really pay attention since it wasn't that bad. Once Nurse Joy was done, she returned us to our trainers; I saw Serena looking really sad and standing alone in front of  Ash, and next to him were Misty, Bonnie, and Clemont 

"Is that how u felt all this time? was I a bother for you?" Serena said I looked at her, and she had tears in her eyes, and some were sliding down her cheeks

"Now that u think about it, yes, I felt like this all the time. I prefer to be with Misty than with you; you're weak; I can't even battle with you," Ash said, really mad at her; what on earth did he say? He knows Serena isn't good in battles. Besides, she's a performer, not a trainer

"Ash, stop," Misty tried to defend her

but it was too late I looked at her with a sad face while she looked at me, then her eyes moved to clemont and Bonnie, and for me, they looked like they all betrayed her. I was upset because I'd been getting closer to Serena; she is like a mother to me, and especially since I'm dating her sylveon, this had to happen, and why would Clemont and Bonnie do that to her she told me that she saw Bonnie as a little sister and Clemont as a brother did they not see that?

I saw how Serena grabbed a key from Clemont's hand and ran off "Serena! <Pika!> " I said which, she was long gone "Ugh, I was getting annoyed at her," said Ash "Come on out, guys."

they all took their Pokemon out, and they all released their Pokemon; I saw Geninja, and I ran straight to him "greninja, we need to talk," I said "What's up?" he said "It's Ash, he betrayed Serena, and I think Serena will leave us," I said worriedly "We have to find her," he said

We ran in the direction I saw she ran and we looked everywhere until I heard someone crying. I signaled greninja to tell him that she was here, and he opened the door to see all her Pokemon hugging her while she was crying in the bed.

"Serena? <pika?>" i said (A/N: remember, it's Pikachu's pov) "Huh, Pikachu, greninja? What are u doing here?" she asked us as her eyes showed sadness. We didn't say anything; we just went up to her and hugged her along with her Pokemon while she started to cry again.

"Pikachu, he betrayed me. He said that I am weak, and he preferred her over me; I know we weren't in competition, but his words hurt besides, look at her. She looks strong and smart, and she's a gym leader, for crying out loud. I'm nothing, just a performer. I can't battle like her," she cried 

"I knew what she meant Misty had a whole gym she gives gym badges just like clemont to trainers for the league, Serena did not, Serena is mostly about Performance and making people smile with her performances, so I knew why she felt like that. 

~minutes later~ 

"you know what, Pikachu and greninja, as much as it hurts me to say this but my journey with ash has ended, and now I'm going on my own journey as much as I'll hate ash, his word is a tattoo on my heart, I will never give up on becoming Kalos queen, but I want you guys to help ash be a champion, I don't care where he is champion, I just want you all to help him...... I'll take good care of sylveon and braixen for you guys, and I'll always have u in my heart even if it's broken, I didn't want to do this to both of you, but I can't be with him," she said

it broke my heart to hear that she would leave us, but if someone gets betrayed, that is the first thing they would think of, I saw how she untied her ribbon that she always carried in her outfit, and she broke it in half one side she wrapped it around my wrist and the other was wrapped around greninja's wrist

"This is so that you have something to remember me," Serena said; she got up and left to the bathroom while I went up to sylveon

"sylveon baby remember that I will always love you no matter what is in my way," I said to sylveon "Me too, Pikachu," she said as a tear fell. Sylveon is my everything; it hurts me to have to leave her. I know she is safe with Serena, but I wanted to be with her always "Braixen, don't forget I love you a lot, okay?" Greninja said to braixen, "I love you too, Greninja," Braixen said while she started to cry

"Don't worry, Pikachu, Greninja ill take care of my sisters," pancham said. "We count on u, pancham," said greninja "let's go to sleep, guys," Serena said as she came out "we will be leaving really early so that they don't see me, okay?" she said

we all nodded, And we all slept in Serena's bed, I don't care if Ash gets mad at me, what he did to Serena has no name. At this point, I don't know if ill help Ash in the league. I looked to my side, and I saw my sylveon sleeping while her ribbon-like feelers were wrapped around me, maybe just maybe Greninja and I don't have to leave Braixen and sylveon..........


And there u go, Pikachu's pov All updated for you guys,

comment, vote and enjoy 😊 


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