Jessie vs Serena (16)

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~Ash Pov~

~one week later~ 

It has been a long week. after that day, I still could not get it out of my head; it was hard to see Pikachu and Greninja go with Bonnie and with Serena  "Hey Ash, are you okay?" I looked to my side to see Misty right next to me. "No, misty, I don't know how this all happened; Pikachu and Greninja left. I only have a week and 3 days to train. It will not be enough time, but I can't go with only 3 Pokemon. I'm just going to have to switch my team a bit and train them hard. but what's more confusing is what does all this have to do with Serena? that's why I'm more confused i guess we have to move on from greninja and Pikachu and Serena." 

-hours later-

After our talk in the Pokemon center, we went to walk around the closest forest. Even if we were in Gloire City, we still wanted to have our freedom outside. We were in the middle of training when we heard a voice and then another one, and I realized that team rocket was there. "Well, well, well, look who is here, the twerp," Jessie said

"Well, as you see, I don't have Pikachu with me, so what do you want?" I told them, while I just wanted to keep training, "Nothing with you; we were just going to see if we can find the twerpette because she has your Pikachu, and I still want my battle revenge, so if you excuse me, we need to find her" she said as she was walking someone came out from the woods

"well, why don't we have your battle revenge Jessie" I looked over, and I saw Serena; she had Pikachu on her shoulder while a guy, Gary, Bonnie, and greninja were behind her "Or what? Are you scared to lose again," she said again "pika Pikachu" "I bet she is scared cuz she knows that u will win her sere-berry," Gary said "are u sure you still want to battle her Jessie? We are giving u an opportunity to leave it alone," The guy said this time; he kind of had similar clothing as me, which made it a little uncomfortable for me.

".......Imma battle"

We made space for Serena and Jessie to battle; clemont was the referee in the battle "This is a battle between the Kalos queen Serena and team rocket Jessie; both trainers take your Pokemon out. "Gourgeist, come on out" "Pikachu, I choose you!" When she said that memories came into my head, like the one where I saw Serena dressed as me Idk why but it did "The battle will end when one Pokemon is unable to battle guys ready? Then start the battle."

The battle was totally awesome, I'm not going to lie about that, and Pikachu and Serena made a great team sometimes; I saw myself in her position. She seems to be battling as strongly as I did. Out of nowhere, a net came down and grabbed Pikachu. We all looked so surprised "you think you will win this time, Serena? Well, no, right now I'm taking Pikachu to the boss," Jessie said "This Pikachu has gotten stronger, and the boss will be very happy about it," James said this time "Let my Pikachu go, Jessie," Serena said "how about.... no, goodbye" Jessie said before she threw something at us and we were not able to see

After that, I was able to see, but team rocket was nowhere to be found "What am I gonna do, Calem I failed I couldn't do anything" I looked at Serena, and she was hugging this calem guy She said his name was "my little princess what is the quote u always tell yourself" "never give up until it's over" "well then we will fight even if we have to risk everything got it, princess? this wasn't your fault, so don't say it was your fault, okay?" "Okay, calem" "Now, sere-berry, we believe in you, so do what your heart tells you to do" "Okay, thank you, guys" So she still remembers the quote I used to tell her every time something happened, and we needed motivation. Something inside me made my heart hurt to the point that I wanted to go and hug Serena for some reason.

"Everyone come on out" Serena took out all her Pokemon; she had her Lucario, lilligant, vivillon, pancham, sylveon, and Delphox "Guys, Pikachu has been captured by team rocket, and I need you to help me find him, so I need you vivillon to find him in the sky, while the rest we will make a plan okay? (they nod) great, now go" Vivillon did what Serena told her to do while the others were listening to her plan. "Ash, I think it best if we go," Misty said. "No, I am staying here until she gets Pikachu back" I walked up to Serena, and she looked at me "I want to help find Pikachu with you," I told her; she looked at me and then at her Pokemon "Lucario- lucar (stay away)" "Lucario only for this time okay? right now, Pikachu needs us all, and we need to save him do it for sylveon, do it for me" "lucar (okay)" "Then let's go i want to show them that they made a big mistake."

~Serena's pov~

It took us a while to find team rocket, but I wasn't going to give up i looked up in the sky, and i saw vivillon "i found them; just go straight, ma'am" "Okay, thanks, vivillon, guys get ready (to the guys) cuz we just have to go straight, and we'll see them" i started to run. I saw them standing, making a video with what i think is their boss. I saw Pikachu in a glass cage, looking sad "Let's wait a minute, then we get into action," i told them, but in reality, i was the one who had to get ready cuz using powers could make you tired, and i knew both Gary and Calem would be there if something were to happen.

It took a while for them to tell their boss about Pikachu, but when they were done, i was the first one out of our hidden place "Give me back my Pikachu, Jessie" "Oh look, it's the twerpette how nice of you to join us" Jessie said "and we will not give you back Pikachu cuz he will be ours now" now James said this time "okay fine you guys asked for it, sylveon and Delphox Power up and become stronger.


noticed the changes 👀

Also, cliffhangers are annoying, don't you think? 

but I still do them cuz why not 😇

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