Rescue (22 pt 2)

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~Ash POV~

I ran outside to the entrance and found Serena's brother and Gary talking to each other while he was hugging a crying Delphox. "Greninja come on out," i said as I released Greninja, "greninja team rocket took Serena and Bonnie, and we need you and Pikachu to help us and see if we can talk with them," I said as i pointed at Gary and Serena's brother. Greninja was the first to take off, and we followed behind. "GARY" I screamed, "Ash, what are you doing here?" "I'm here to help you guys get Serena back," I said to him, determined 

~Clemont POV~

Every word Ash was saying was getting my hopes up. 'Maybe this is it, maybe we could all be friends again,' but I still had to make sure Ash wasn't going to help to then leave and ignore them. "Why do you want to help? I thought Serena wasn't important to you, and where is your girlfriend? Shouldn't you be with her instead?" Gary said, "I want to help; let me help you guys find her" "Fine, come, we need to plan," Serena's brother said; we all followed, and we walked to a Pokémon center, and we sat in the lobby "Okay, so we need to find where they could be keeping her," Calem said "why don't we send our flying types to go and find her" Gary then added "ASH!!" we all turned to see misty and Brock enter the Pokémon center. "Ash, don't ever leave me. I am your girlfriend, and I need to be near you" I heard all of Serena Pokémon growl at her and ready to fight. it's not like they weren't, but I think looking at Misty triggered them more "Misty, I am no child to be watching over." Ash said as he pulled back from her hold. "Why are we even here? You are wasting your time finding someone who is useless," Misty said, which not only triggered me but everyone else. "Misty, Calm down," Brock said, "Oh, you better not be talking about Serena, Misty," Gary said 

~Ash POV~

"Why are you even here, Gary? You should be back at home in Kanto with your grandfather." Misty said to him. I looked at him, and I did wonder why he was here with us. "that is none of your business Misty" "Aww, are you here only to be with blondy?" she laughed as Delphox let out a flame thrower moved towards misty, and she was saying something that sounded like she was mad  "Hey! Someone control that fox!" "No, Misty, I am not here for her. I was here to find you when I heard you were here in Kalos; I was planning to confess the feelings I had for you, willing to do anything to get your love, but when I heard you were dating Ash, i knew it was pointless so. Instead, i decided to go on a journey with Calem, and that is when I met Serena, a beautiful girl full of passion for her goal that she had now accomplished" When he said beautiful to Serena, something triggered me "Don't call her, beautiful!"  I said to him "why not huh? you said you didn't care about her, so why are you here?" he said to me, which i didn't have an answer honestly. "Oh guys shut up; we have Serena and Bonnie being trapped, and we need to get her out now, so whatever you see a way to save her, just do it because, at this point, it will be the next day, and I need my sister to be safe now," and he walked out as well as her Pokémon 

~time skip~

we were all out looking for Serena now; all flying types were out looking for her, but this time, Team Rocket did a good job hiding them. "Vivillon <i found her>" I heard her vivillon, and i saw her point somewhere, and I ran in that direction, and that is when I saw her and Bonnie together in a cage "Aww look, its almost dark, and no one has come to find you girls how sad," Jessie said to them "let us go, Jessie," Serena said, I saw a dark pulse being used and nothing happened "how many times do I have to say that using powers won't work with those cages," she said, I saw how tired Serena was and I was no longer going to wait for her to faint "JESSIE LET THEM GO NOW!"  I said, "Aww look, it's Romeo coming to find his Juliet. I thought you didn't care about them, Ash. You have a girlfriend. Why are you chasing someone else? That is called cheating." "Serena!" I heard everyone say, "JAMES, OUT NOW; THESE TWERPS ARE HERE FOR HER." they both took their Pokémon and Calem, and Gary did the same while they were distracted. I ran up to their cages. "I will get you both out, I promise," I said as i tried to hit the cell. "yeah, sorry, Ash, but I won't let you do that," Meowth said, and then I saw him use fury swipes on me. 

It hurt like crap; every cut he was doing hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to give up. Pikachu was also receiving it since he didn't have time to move. I saw Clemont in the corner of my eye with a cloth, and he covered him. "Hey, who put this on me," He said. I needed them all to be together in order for me to use Thunderbolt on them, but for now, I needed to think of something else. I was going to check on Serena and Bonnie when I saw her Pokemon trying to use their powers. There was a rock next to me, and I saw that the top part of the cage had a smaller box, which meant that the little box was the reason and needed to be broken to free them. 

I grabbed the rock, and I ran toward them using the rock; I hit the smaller box and the cage broke. 


The next chapter is the end 🥴

Yall will need to really comment on that last chapter, okay cuz I don't feel confident about it 

Anyway, comment and vote 


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