After performing (5)

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~Serena Pov~

~hours later~

Finally, it was my performance, and I was really confident that I'll win this and get my second princess key. As I was walking to the entrance, I heard my name, and I turned around to see Miette, Shauna, and Tierno

"Hey, Serena," Miette said, "where are Ash, clemont, and Bonnie?" "They betrayed me for another girl whose name is Misty, Ash's first traveling companion," I said I tried not to look upset, but it still hurts "WHAT!!!" all 3 said at the same time "How could he??" asked Tierno 

"I wish I could answer that," I said, "but do u guys like my new clothing?" I twirled around for them to see "Love it," Miette said while the others nodded " I don't understand why Ash did that, but I say that from now on, we shall not talk to Ash and the others" Tierno said "Yeah," we all said 

Once we got inside, we went to the changing room along with Shauna and Miette, and we started to get ready; our first theme was a pokemon styling, this reminded me of my very first showcase when I wasn't able to move on because of what happened, but this time I was going to do it right

"just like our very first showcase, right, Serena?" Shauna said, "Yeah, but this time I will win with that theme performance and move on to the freestyle performance," I said very determinedly, "Now you are talking, Serena." 

Shauna was first, and she was able to move on to the freestyle using her ivysaur. Then it was Miette's turn. She and her Meowstic were amazing too, and of course, she moved on too finally, it was my turn i was wearing a whole different outfit than normal, but it was time for a new change 

(A/N: she was wearing these clothes for her performance ☟)

(A/N: she was wearing these clothes for her performance ☟)

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I was using braixen for this theme. We walked out when it was our turn, and I made sure everything was perfect. After the other 2 performers went they gave us the results "And moving on to the freestyle performance is Serena!" Monsieur Pierre said.

~Minutes later~

I managed to get my 2nd princess key with the help of braixen, pancham, and sylveon. which made me happy. Monsieur Pierre told us that before our master class, we have to have 3 gym badges along with our 3 princess keys which he said could prove our bond to everyone. I was also recognized as Kalos princess, a request from Aria herself. 

We all decided to go to the Pokemon center to rest, and as we were leaving, I saw Ash, Pikachu, clemont, and Bonnie. Tierno ended up pushing all of us to the pokemon center so that we wouldn't see them

"Man, that was close," Tierno said. We all nodded "Guys, want to meet my 2 new Pokemon?" I said, changing the subject

"u caught new Pokemon?" Miette said, "Of course; look, come on out, everybody!" I said while throwing my Pokeballs

"braix" "pan" "veon" "rio" "peti"

"wow you caught a riolu and a petilil," Shauna said "I'm so proud of u" "Yeah, the thing is that I want to train to show them that I am not weak and to be able to get my 3 gym badges before the master class," I said

"weak? did Ash call u weak?" Shauna said, "Yeah, he said that I was weak and that my performance was boring," I said

"then let's train so we can make you very strong and, of course for ur training for those 3 gym badges," Tierno said "Yeah," we all said as we walked outside, but as I was getting ready to into potions something had caught my eye...

~meanwhile, with Pikachu ~

(before the performance)

~~pikachu's Pov~~

Ash was talking mean things about Serena, I really wanted to use thunderbolt on him, but I have to listen to Serena and be with him since he is my trainer, but on second thought, I can get mine and Greninjas pokeballs and go with her, but the thing is that ash is our trainer 'such a bad idea I guess' i thought. right now, we are going to Misty's performance, and I really don't want to go its soo boring Serena's performance is much better I guess ill just sleep, I can't believe he did that, it still breaks my heart, I still remember when Serena dressed as ash and battled with me it was so much fun I wish we could do it again

"Pikachu are u okay?" asked Ash

'Yeah, I'm okay look at me' i thought sarcastically, but I really just nodded and we entered the place where Misty will perform but the thing is that Serena's performance was next to us

~hour later~

Finally!! it was over even if I was sleeping I still got bored. Ik I didn't see the show but I didn't want to either.  we were outside the place waiting for Misty when I spotted Serena w/ Tierno, Shauna, and Miette, the thing was that Serena had a new style of clothing,

I think they all saw us cause I saw how Tierno pushed the three girls away 'I guess Serena told them about Ash' which was fine by me if they don't talk to him since Ash will realize what betrayal feels like, but I'm sad I didn't get to see her performance and cheer for her, but once it's in pokevision I'll see it right away I don't care if Ash doesn't want me to see it...

"Ash, where are u headed now? Misty said as she approached us "To the anistar city gym; it's a psychic-type gym I battled the gym already but I'll batter her again but this time with greninja," Ash said

I knew he wasn't going to use me for battle so I was fine with it I just think it would be great if Greninja could do moves like a performance since Serena is a performer we could play around with his mind...

"do you think I could join u, Ash?" Asked misty "Of course, Misty, I'll love to have u back with me," Ash said "Yay, thanks, Ash," Misty said as they both hugged 

I was so angry at Ash so first, he told Serena to leave now he brings Misty in as a replacement for Serena? that is not fair 'u just wait, Ash; one day, I will leave, and ill show u how it feels to be betrayed by the person u love' i thought beside I knew Serena loved Ash since it was a little too obvious and the fact that he did this to her, I'm sure she is heartbroken.

"let's go, Pikachu you are gonna get lost," said Ash


Here is Chapter 5 

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