The day before (20)

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~Serena POV~ 

It was the day before the league. We were in a Pokemon center; it was already the afternoon; we did some last-minute training this morning and were now relaxing. I was nervous because I already had the performance ready; all I needed to do was perform, but anything could go wrong, and I had to be mentally prepared in case we messed up a move and would have to improvise. We had our outfits ready, the guys would go casual, and the girls would go a little fancier so that we could look presentable. "Serena, stop spacing out; you will do fine; you are the Kalos Queen; after all, people love you." "yeah, but-" "nah, there is no but, come on, let's go," Calem said. We walked around and saw a cute Flabébé with a yellow flower. 

"wow, what is it doing here?" "I have no idea, but it's so cute," Bonnie said as she went to pet it."Look, dedenne, isn't she cute" "Yeah, adorable, hi Flabébé I'm dedenne. Are you lost?" he said, which Bonnie didn't know what dedenne was saying; this was honestly an advantage of understanding and communicating with Pokémon."  "No, I'm not lost; I just wanted to leave my family and find a trainer to be with." "Wow, she looks sad is there something she and dedenne are saying because they look like they are having a conversation," Gary asked "Yeah, they are," Bonnie added "Really? Well, this is my trainer Bonnie, or she will be once she turns 10, and this is Serena; she is actually hearing us speak; she can understand us; next to her is her brother Calem, and over there is Gary," dedenne said to the cute Flabébé.

"he did all the introduction, Bonnie, so you don't have to do that," I said, "wait, so then, who is your trainer, and why aren't you with them?" "her brother is, but they are not here, and he gave her permission to carry a Pokémon, but once she turns 10, she will be allowed to have me under her name, trust me she is a great trainer; she knows her battles." "it sounds as if you are trying to persuade me to join you" "Maybe I am, but that's only your decision, or we can help you find someone for you, I'm just saying that I would love to have a sister to play with," he said to her, and that's when i understood that dedenne was starting to feel lonely "hi Flabébé you are so beautiful "I am sure bonnie will be glad to have another pokemon as well as dedenne" "Oh, another Pokémon? I would love to have another one I can't wait to be 10, so I can register dedenne as mine I would love to do the same with Flabébé if she wants to  

"I'm just scared" "Don't be. We will all be there for you. You can learn so much I didn't want to have a trainer, honestly, but when she said that we would have so much fun together and she protected me, then I understood that I could have someone to give me love and food" Flabébé went up to all of us and gave us a hug, and then she went up to bonnie and gave her a hug, "I want to go with her," she said and then went into bonnies bag where dedenne sleeps in, and she stood there "she wants to join you bonnie," I said to her "you do! That's great, but I don't have a Pokeball" "Who said we can't catch her for you" Gary said, "okay, dedenne, I will catch you, and I will keep your Pokeball once Bonnie turns 10, she will then be able to take over and have your Pokeball."

Gary was able to catch her, and Bonnie was so happy she gave Gary a hug; we decided it was best to go back and let Bonnie have a moment with her new Pokémon. She was already starting to train with us since Gary thought it was a good idea to teach her, too, and so far, she is doing great. I decided to go to our room and talk with my Pokémon about tomorrow. "Are you guys nervous?" I asked, "No, not at all. I know we will do great," Delphox said, "yeah, We all practice very hard to be where we are now." sylveon then added, "All we have to do is prove to the world we already won Kalos and Hoenn; maybe we can win other places too" "yeah Serena you already accomplished your dream now its time to make a new dream." Pikachu added 

~Pikachu POV~

I knew the league was tomorrow, and this was mostly my thing to do, battle with my trainer, Greninja and I are not performers, and Serena knows this. We trained with her and shared a bond, but everything was missing. I didn't have my trainer with me, and yeah, we did have the chance to go back with him, but I thought it was not the time now. I really do miss him and all the moments we shared. 'Did he forget about us?' I hope not. I miss us before all this happened, where it was the 2 of us traveling, meeting new friends, and becoming stronger together. Our old friends would come to say hi and be nice, and when he would introduce each other so they could be friends, he would make time for everyone. 'Did the universe plan this?' if so, why? maybe Serena and Misty could have been friends

'So what happened?  Everything feels strange'    There were so many questions but no answers, and probably there will never be. Now the main question comes. if ash wins the league, will he stay here, or will he leave? and do we stay with Serena or go with him? 

"what are you thinking, Pikachu" Greninja said as he sat next to me, "about tomorrow and, well, everything" "Yeah, I have thought about it too, honestly," he said as he looked at me "and what is your answer," I asked.



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