Chapter 5 Change

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HI so shit happened, not friends with the girl who made me write this anymore and yeah. Sorry I've been gone!

Ahh yes... the girls bathroom. Not a lot of people know this about me but I really hate taking shits in school toilets.
But today, I really have to shit so I guess this'll be my first.
"I wonder where Y/N is..." Stacy? Oh my God. I forgot about her! Come on shit! Hurry up! I pushed as hard as I could to get my shit out but it wouldn't budge. Fuck! I need to talk to her! My sagged blue jeans dragged along the cold white tiled floor. I could hear Stacy's foot steps leaving the bathroom. "Stacy!" I yelled.
"Stacy!!!!" The foot steps faded out. I felt the shit coming out but I clenched my ass cheeks so it didn't fall out. I made my way to the sink and looked in the mirror. My face was sweating much. Today is already crazy and school hasn't even star-


Shit. Well, I'm already near the sink.
20 seconds of shitting in the sink later...
Done! Let's head to class where I'll probably die of horny!

I made my way down the halls to Mrs. Boobbottoms class. Walking in, I see Jojo
at my table instead of Gabi Whoson's. I'm glad Jojo knows his place is at my table and Gabi knows her place in hell.
"Okay kids! Class will start in a minute! Let me run to the pharmacy for my pussy wart cream." Mrs. Boobbottoms quickly ran out of the classroom with her purple purse on her shoulder with the wind snatching her pink weave. The pink also some pretty white dots on it! How cute! Gabi chuckled and walked over to the fallen pink hair. "Ew she has lice!" The white dots began to move and spread onto Gabi's hand! "Holy fuck! Jojo help! Their investing my perfect hair!" Jojo rolled his eyes are Gabi did the peepee dance near the door. Gabi is such a dumb bitch!
Everyone in class began to laugh and Gabi soon ran out of class to the bathroom.
"Alright everyone, I'm back!" Mrs. Boobbottoms walked into class with a big smile for once. I guess having pussy wart cream makes you feel a hella lot better. "Where's Gabi?" I grinned remembering what just happened 10 minutes ago. "Her dumbass caught lice!" Jojo yelled while laughing. His laugh is the essence of happiness, something you never hear from an emo like him.
"Oh..." Mrs. Boobbottoms grabbed a black expo marker and smelt it. "Hmm... It smells expired. I'll use it anyway." She immediately began writing our Whoville War notes on the whiteboard.
Jojo handed me one of scented note papers. It smells just like him!
The smelling stopped however when the second period bell rang...
Wait! Stacy is in my 2nd period! I'll have to talk to her there and quick! Luckily, there's a traffic problem in the halls. "Help! Kaiser Mcwhoster fell out of her wheelchair!" Shit to bid. Kaiser again?? It feels like everyday this bitch falls out of her wheelchair! "What the fuck! When will this girl's legs work again??? Does she have aids???" Fuck. It's Gabi again. So I'm stuck in the halls with Gabi while Kaiser is fallen out of her wheelchair! This is so fucking cruel! That's it. I'm done with this bullshit. I shoved everyone away and headed to Kaiser. Her wheelchair is almost burnt to crisp I think I know the issue. Someone welded boosters to the back of her wheelchair which more than likely sent her ass flying down the hallway. "Come on, Kaiser!" I grabbed Kaiser's arms and hoisted her into her wheelchair. "Thank you!" "No problem."
I darted down the halls to Mr. Poor's class. He teaches Science. Mostly evolutionary science like apes and shit.
He's all about money and calling himself a scientist but his name is Richard "Dick" Poor and he's a school teacher. He ain't making shit! "Uh... Y/N? You're talking out loud again." "STACY OMFG!!!!" I gave her a big hug. I can feel her cold ass hands touching my back. "Y/N? I thought we were gonna walk to school together this morning like we always do..." We both frowned and walked into class. We sat down next to each other and looked down at our desks. "I'm sorry, Stacy. I was so horny and in love this morning that I... I forgot about you!" "It's okay! I know your busy with Jojo and everything." Stacy smiled.
I looked over to see Emily Homosexual writing on the whiteboard. Everyone grinned with excited as the board read, "Mr. Poor has a small dick". We all waited patiently...
"All right! Let's begin class for today!" The intensity raised by the millions!
"Who wrote Mr. Poor has a small dick on the board?! I mean you're not wrong but..." AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Everyone laughed and someone even fell out of their chair. Ugh that reminded me... Dumb bitch Gabi...
A couple hours later...

"Hey, Y/N!" Finally! After two hours of pain and misery without him! It's Jojo! I can already see myself kissing him and feeding him my titty milkshake!!!
"Jojo! Let's eat lunch together!!!" He smiled but only for a moment. "Do you think we can sit with Zane Memos today? Gabi left school earlier and he asked if we can sit with him." We? He wanted me too?
I wonder what he wants from me and Jojo...

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