Chapter 12 | Hoe

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"Y/n, I have a crush on Jojo." My heart is pounding with sadness and madness but at the same, my whole body has shut down. I'm growing more nervous, I'm shivering. "Be for real with me, Stacy. Don't tell me it's true!" My body has gone crazy bitch mode. I can't believe Stacy... I can't believe she'd even think of Jojo in a romantic way when he's mine!! "It is true, I can't help but see all of Jojo's beauty and handsome body." IM GONNA SLAP THIS BITCH! "I hope we can still hang out during Christma-"

"Fuck you Stacy!" I slapped Stacy in the face. Her head swung to the left and she just stood. I backed away in case she's planning an attack.

Sniffle sniffle..

I heard Stacy sniffling. "I never meant to like him so much, y/n. I can't help that my mind wonders on and I think of him. He really is lucky to have you but at the same time, I want him too. Can we... share?" Stacy was tearing up but she was smiling. If she thinks she's gonna get what she wants, she's so fucking wrong. "Bitch you deadass wanna take my MAN I'm gonna be pissed off and NO BITCH we ain't SHARING!!" I slapped Stacy again, I know she """meant""" no harm but still. She should never think of Jojo like that, I had to knock some sense into her head! Stacy collapsed onto the pavement. She started crying and shielded her face with her hands. I got down and squatted, getting close to Stacy's ear. "Don't ever talk to me again." I got up and continued walking towards the Mcdodd mansion.

Y/n walked to Jojo's home, and saw the Christmas tree set up at the square's center!

"Be careful up there, Jojo! Those ornaments are very delicate! I want this tree to be better than last year's!"

Mr. Mcdodd stood below the tree and watched Jojo carefully. "Jojo!" I called out to him. I ran to the tree and took a break. Phew that was a tough run! Jojo slowly climbed down the ladder he was standing on and came to see me. "Y/n! You look exhausted!" I breathed heavily and looked up at Jojo's face. "I'm good, I just got done running here." Jojo took my hand and lifted me up. I stared into his beautiful eyes, and touched his super soft fluffy black hair. I instantly remembered what just happened 10 minutes ago... I paused for a moment, I feel guilty but I also feel like she deserved those slaps.

Whatever, she literally had the audacity to say she has a crush on Jojo! What kind of friend thinks of their bestie's boyfriend in a romantic way?! "Jojo, something happened to me- well actually it happened to Stacy." Jojo looked at me in confusion. "What happened, y/n? Is Stacy alright?" Jojo got closer to me. "She uhhh.. let me say it in private.. away from your dad." Mr. Mcdodd stopped decorating the tree and glared at me. "What is it miss l/n?" I ignored him and dragged Jojo behind a tree. "Jojo, Stacy said she has a crush on you and I-" Jojo put his fingers on my lips and hushed me. God damn it I keep getting hushed! "Y/n, don't be friends with her anymore. I don't wanna be near her if she's gonna be jealous of our relationship." I feel relive flowing through out my body. I'm so happy he said what I wanted to hear! "Jojo, I slapped the hell out of her twice." I stood there and looked at Jojo as a smile slowly appeared on his face. "I'm glad you did it before I could." Jojo said. "I can't deal with girls having crushes on me, it gets annoying like I know I'm hot as fuck but you know..."

"But what about me Jojo? I had a massive crush on you." Jojo smiled.

"You're the first girl I liked, even tho you're obsessed with me, I love it." My face got hot and I blushed.

"Well aren't you two cute?" Mr. Mcdodd popped up next to me and Jojo. He put his hand on my shoulder and one on Jojo's. "I hope you two aren't talking about something inappropriate! I would hate to ground you, Jojo." Jojo shook his head in disagreement. "Nah, we we're talking about something important, it's private." Jojo said calmly. Mr. Mcdodd took his hands off our shoulder's. "Alright, you two behave yourselfs! Oh, by the way miss l/n, the Christmas tree ceremony starts at 10 am next week!"

"Okay Mr. Mcdodd!" I kissed and hugged Jojo, I love feeling his embrace, his warmth filling my heart.. "Bye y/n, I wish you could stay but I gotta decorate the tree and take care of my sisters." Jojo lowered his head. "All 96?" "No, just 48" Jojo looked up and smiled at me. "But I'll be alright, they're pretty to take care of." I smiled back at Jojo. "Okay, I'll see you later Jojo." I kissed Jojo again and hugged him tightly, I know I won't see him again until tomorrow. I walked off. "Bye Jojo!" "Bye y/n!"

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