Chapter 2 Lunch

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It was after 2nd and 3rd period, I had already told Stacy about how Jojo is in my 1st period and my now my 4th. She was still pretty in shock. "I- I still can't believe that Jojo was so nice to you! And he's in your 4th, which means you have lunch with him!" She giggled. I smile and day dream about Jojo as I walked to Mr. Mcgrill's classroom.
"Well, have fun with Jojo, Y/N." She walked away to her 4th period. I can't wait!
I walked into Mcgrill's classroom filled with separate desks and posters of Math equations such as 4×(5+2)8-10, 1×1×1×1, other shitty math equations, etc. But one poster stands out the most. The poster that reads the rules of the class.

1. No food
2. No drinks (only water)
3. Don't piss me off
4. No popular bitches
5. Only talk about math

Those are his rules of the classroom and we all follow them. Students often make fun of Mr. Mcgrill, why? Probably because he's abnormally over weight but he never eats that much food so it's a mystery. Students call him "fatass" or "grilled skinny" just name a couple.
"Okay class, let's get started before lunch starts in 5 minutes!" Mr. Mcgrill said walking into the class. "Make sure to welcome our new popular kid in the school, Jojo Mcdodd. He'll need some friends for the rest of the school year." He says. I saw Jojo sitting next to a few boys in the front of class while I'm sitting in the back with Gabi's boyfriend, Zame Memos. I really fucking hate Zane. He's annoying and the only thing coming out of his mouth is shit and piss. Jojo looks around the class, probably looking for me. He wondered for a bit, then he spotted me next to Zane.
Jojo waves at me, I waved back.

God help me I'm so in love at this point...

Mr. Mcgrill's alarm for lunchtime went off, signalling for all of us to get and get into a straight line. "Everyone chill out! The food isn't gonna disappear so stop fucking running!" He screamed at us in frustration.
We all stayed quiet until Mr. Mcgrill told us to held down to the cafeteria.
Jojo was in front of the line, in front of the leader. We came to a stop of people walked in and out of the cafeteria food pickup line. They're serving sloppy hotdogs in crusty ass buns, and healthy, perfect green pears. Thank God my mom packing my lunch today so I won't have to eat this sucky food. I waited till the person in front of me punched in their lunch code. "How's your day today, Y/N?" Ah yes, my favorite lunch lady, Ms. Lantos, she's about 60 years old and she's half tired of my shit sometimes. I remember last year I got detention for saying her mom was drunk when she named her. I mean, it's not a lie! Her first name is Felinodasmomo! Wtf?! Ugh. Anyway. "I'm doing fine today, Ms. Lantos." She frowned. " Aww... C'mon Sweetie! You gotta do better than that!" I punched in my lunch code, 29293939, and walked away from her stand. Jojo was sitting at the lonely kids table. Gross. I walked over to Jojo and sat down next to him. I tapped his shoulder, "Oh! Hey Y/N! I'm glad I atleast one friend at this new school." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He picked up the pear on his tray and took a bite about of the green fruit. "So... Y/N... I was wondering since we're friends, maybe this weekend I could go over to your house?" Holy who shit. I'm in total shock right now. Why does Jojo want to go over to my house? Out of everyone he could choose, it's me? "Uhh... Why my house, Jojo?" He took another bite from his pear and placed it on his tray. He sat in silence for a moment. "My family is large, loud, and over the top rude sometimes. My sisters are always barging into my room without me knowing sometimes. They sneak in then crawl under my bed just to scare the shit out of me. I guess I would just feel comfortable somewhere other than my home. Which why I chose to go to school." I never knew that much of Jojo before, I guess if I was in his home, I'd probably run away from home by then if I were him. He stared his deep grey eyes into my E/C eyes, it felt like a staring contest but also love. "Uhh... I- I guess you could come over this weekend, I'll text my mom in 5th period then I'll let you know before we all go home." He smiled and winked at me before taking a bite out of his hotdog. (Not his pp, just his food). Red and pink flustered onto my cheeks hoping Jojo will take my virginity this weekend.
We talked and laughed until lunch ended about 20 minutes later, Mr. Mcgrill led us back to the class just for me to daydream about my new friend, soon to be bf, and my future husband.

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