Chapter 1 His arrival

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Man it's hot as hell. But Jojo is hotter tho hehe. When I first saw him singing on the Mayor's balcony. It felt like a dream watching him sing. I even wrote a poem about him last night.

Jojo, my bright shining star
I love you just the way you are
Don't break character
Or I'll burst into tears
For you, the smallest Who
You have the sexiest voice I ever heard.

Best poem I've even written! Hopefully one day Jojo will know how much I wanna fucking braid his jet black hair and shove my scrunchies down his wet throat.
"Come on Y/N! School's gonna start soon!" My mom shouted from downstairs. "Coming mom!" I yelled back making my way down the blue carpeted spiral stairs. Mom had all ready cooked me my lunch, a ham sandwich along with apple slices. "Where's dad?" I asked. "He's at the Mayor's home currently, your father wants to build a shopping center here in town!" Damn, dad is still wanting to build that shopping center. I walked over to the door with my backpack on my back and my H/C in a ponytail. She smiled and waved as I walked out the door. "Have a great day Y/N." I smiled back at her.
The walk to school was a couple streets down so not that far to walk in my opinion. Across the street, my best friend, Stacy, stepped outside her house ready for school. "Hey, Stacy!"
"Hey, Y/N! I'm so excited for today!" Stacy said happily. "Why? Are we getting someone new in our school?" Stacy couldn't contain her joy, she jumped up in the air and said "JOJO FUCKING MCDODD IS ENROLLING IN OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL!!" I. Lost. It. Holy fuck holy shit. I can't believe what Stacy said. My idol, my future husband, my crush! Jojo... My future sex partner... I had fallen into a deep state of my Jojo loving mind. "Whoville to Y/N?! Wake the fuck up!" She laughed for a bit while I was stuck in my trance. "Y/N!!!" I fell out of my mind. "DAW SHIT I WAS DAY DREAMING OF JOJO." I screamed. Me and Stacy laughed and continued making our way to school.
After that long ass way there, we made it. Stacy smiled, while I was excited for Jojo to make his presence known in our Middle School.
Whoville Middle School, filled with Whoville children ages 12-14, and teachers that drink Wheat Beer all day every day. Yeah. This school sucks but now Jojo is here and I'm ready to get pumped.
Jojo, you fantastic emo
I've loved you for a long time
Sometimes I feel like a hoe
You make me wet in my panties
So please notice me.

End of prayer session. I hope to have a good day at school and that Jojo is in my 4th period.
"Well Stacy, I'll see you in 2nd period, if you have Jojo for any classes text me." We walked into the school, opened our lockers, got our history and science books out, and made our way to class. My first period is Mrs. Boobbottoms, a mean bitch who teaches us the history of Whoville.
"Good morning class" She told a bite out of her chocolate donut. "Today a new student has arrived at our school. Treat him well, respected, and kindly because he's pretty well known in Whoville." Omfg. Could it be? Jojo?

"Hey everyone."

His silk jet black hair was almost as perfect as it was in person. "Welcome yourself to the class, Jojo." Mrs. Boobbottoms said in her bitchy voice.
Jojo moved next to the whiteboard and began to speak. "Hi, I'm Jojo Mcdodd... Um... I'm 13, I have 96 sisters... And I'm the Mayor's son. That's it." Everyone clapped, then he sat down next to... That one bitch I hate... Miss Gabi Whoson... A girl who's dating the second hottest guy in the school, Zane Memos.
Gabi's looking at him.. She better stay away from or I'll beat her ass. Shit... SHIT! Now they're talking to each other! I need to get closer. Since her seat is diagonal from my table, I'll have to lean over to hear them. I leaned over at the end of my table towards Gabi's table. I began to hear their conversation. "So you're the Mayor's son, Jojo?" Jojo didn't reply to her. "Umm.. Yeah I guess."
"So since your house is big, I could go to your house?" ... No. I'm losing it now. "Maybe, depends on if my dad lets me." No Jojo. Don't listen to that dumb bitch. Suddenly, my seat tilted a bit.
"What! I promise I'm single!"
My weakness, falling off a chair. Which is what just happened, my face landed on the wooden floor, then my chair fell on my lower back. It hurts so much. I can't believe what just happened! Now everyone around me sat and stared at me while I was on the floor crying.
"Haha! Look! Y/N L/N fell out of her seat! Haha!" Now everyone is laughing at me. This day is just horrible especially because Jojo is here. I wish someone could just choke me right now.

"Hey! Stop laughing at her! She fell out of her seat, that's all!"

Wait, was that him? Jojo? I looked up to see him protesting about me falling out of my own seat. Jojo got up from his seat next to Gabi and went over to my table. He picked up my chair and put it back up. He then reached his hand out to me. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He gasped when he saw I was crying.
I pulled his hand to pull me up, he held my hand for a little while. "Jojo, you didn't have to do that I-" He put his finger over my lips. "Don't worry about, Y/N. All that matters is that you're okay." I smiled and he smiled back at me. "I can meet you at lunch if you want." I said to Jojo. He nodded.
"What's your 4th period? Mines Mr. Mcgrill." My big E/C lit up. "I have him for 4th period too!" I said joyfully. We both laughed. Gabi was so shook. Gabi has no game right now, she knows Jojo will be mine soon heh. Fuck her.

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