Chapter 6 Plan

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"Hey, Jojo and Y/N. I want to talk about... Gabi..." Jojo and I sat down across from Zane. His eyes seem weak and his blonde bangs are slightly bloody. "Something terrible happened this morning and it's effecting me and Gabi's relationship. You see, on our way to school, Gabi had the urge but she's on her period. She forced me to lick her stank ass bloody pussy and... I hurt her clitoris by accident. She has an illegal clitoris piercing and I ripped it off with my teeth so now she has an extra bloody pussy with a side of lice in her hair." Holy shit lmao. Gabi is such an idiot. Who gets a clitoris piercing in middle school? Also who even gets periods? I don't because I'm on that birth control for two reasons. Periods and Jojo babies. "After that, she slapped me several times and told me to jack off. So I did. I pulled my dick out but then she started kicking my dick and told me to fuck off instead. So I did." Zane sighed with grief.
"I've gotten tired now. I wanna break up with her but how? She's bitch when it comes to change!" Me and Jojo looked at each other. What are we going to do?
"Maybe I can tell her. She seems to be infatuated with me so I can do it."
"Sounds good! When should we do it?" Zane sounds enthusiastic. "Tonight. We all can go to her house on the way home and tell her. It will be simple and she can sleep away all the pain once it's over." Oh Jojo. You come up with such amazing ideas! Zane and Jojo shook hands and we all ate lunch together.

After School...

Me, Zane, Jojo, and Stacy met outside the school gate. "Stacy, you go home without me. Me, Zane, and Jojo are going to Gabi's house for something." Stacy nodded and walked off. I feel bad that I have to leave her like this but this is something between us three. "Okay. Let's get this ball rolling."
We walked about a mile to get to Gabi's house. I think her house is the farthest from school than anyone's. At first, Gabi's home looks nice on the outside. Two floors plus a basement, those typical plastic flamingos which touch each other to make a heart, cut grass, nice roof, etc. Inside, there's something horrifying. Pictures of Gabi's ugly ass in her house as soon as you peek through the windows. "Well, let's knock."

Knock Knock!

"Gabi! I see three kids outside!" Her dad yelled from the window, looking straight at us. He's kinda ugly tbh. Scuffed face with messy ginger hair. HER MOM THO??!*÷>=,$*$

"Ughhh!!" Gabi's grunts are so fucking loud. She opened the front door and smiled at Zane. Then she made that Belle Delphine face Jojo. Then, she saw me. She's faking her happy face, horny, and livid at the same time.
"Gabi? We're breaking up." Zane sighed.
"Am I retarded or did you just say we're breaking up?" Gabi's eyes are popping rn. "You're retarded and that's why we're breaking up. You're always sleeping on my feelings and giving me STDs. I ain't trying to be Lovely Peaches."
"KSNSNFRLWMMSNXJTORMW ADOROEMAMSBCIRME W E KEE 4 FKD E EO4JT F D SNOEE R T. ROEOW3 R R R R R. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R---" Gabi's brain can't process what the hell just happened lmao. At least this all over with. "I'm going home, Jojo. I love you~" Jojo looked shocked but relieved. "Goodnight, Y/N. I love you too." We both smiled. Zane and Gabi's parents are too occupied with Gabi to care about us.
We kissed and said goodbye.

"Mom! I'm home!" I opened the front door and saw my mom cooking steak and corn for dinner. "What took you so long to get home, Y/N?" I walked in and shut the door. I took off my shoes at the front door and sat at the dinner table. "Oh, I was visiting a friend." "Was it Jojo Mcdodd?" My dad walked in from the living room. "Oh! I didn't tell you about Jojo, did I?" My dad smiled. "No, you didn't tell me. Your mother told me about how you and Jojo are dating. Right?" I blushed. "Yeah, we're dating. I hope it doesn't effect your job." "It won't, hopefully." Dad sat down next to me as mom readied the plates. "Steak and corn! You both need some iron and calcium. Running around all day is sure tiring." Dad sighed. "Not for you, you're a housewife. All you do is clean shit and sit down all day." Mom smirked. "Well if you give me more kids then I'll busier for you." Mom lifted her long skirt and apron to reveal black, lacey lingerie. "Honey, remember the last time we had sex?" Dad took a piece of steak and dipped it in ketchup. "13 years ago?" She lifted her skirt even more to reveal a pink strap-on dildo. "Yeah and it ended in a shit show. It also ended with us having Y/N."
Mom sighed and dropped the skirt. I won't be having any siblings anytime soon. My parents are always on and off like this. Some years they're in the mood but some, like this year, they're not. Who knows though, a miracle might happened. Maybe even sooner then I think.

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