Chapter 14 | Christmas Cheer

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Time skip to Christmas day bc why not...

IT'S FUCKING CHRISTMAS AND I'M GONNA SEE JOJO OMGGGG!!?! I immediately got up and raced to my mom's room. I started vigorously shaking her to wake up. "MOM GET THE HELL UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! WE GOTTA GET TO THE TREE!!!" My mom groaned and rolled away from me. "Mom... I SWEAR TO GOD IF I DON'T GET TO SEE JOJO TODAY IM GONNA LOSE MY SHIT!!!" Mom groaned again. "Y/n, let me sleep..." AHHHHHH "But MOMMMM I GOTTA SEE-"
KNOCK KNOCK!! Is that Jojo by some miracle? Please God let it be true!!! I ran out of my mom's room and hurried down the stairs. "I'm coming Jojo!" I got to the door and opened it to see... Jojo!!!!

"Jojo!" I shouted in his face. I'm literally about to explode from excitement!!! His luxurious black, silky hair and his deep, brown eyes are so stunning, his skin matching the winter snow... "Hey y/n! I came to pick you up! It's almost time for the ceremony!" Jojo smiled at me and took my hand and took me to the square. The tree looks so gorgeous and the whole town is here to receive their gifts! It's decorated with many ornaments, all made by the mayor and his children. A string with white lights around the tree, lighting it up for the whole town to see.

"You and your family did an amazing job with the tree!" I stared in awe at the tree, I admire it's beauty. "Thanks y/n, I think everyone's ready for the ceremony!" Me and Jojo had to shove our way through the crowd but we made it in front of the tree. I wonder what gift I'll get this year, this whole ceremony is basically secret santa and everyone gets a gift. It's always random, of course. I hope I get a gift from Jojo by some miracle! "Look y/n, my dad's about to give his speech." Jojo whispered to me and we both looked up at the small balcony.

Then, the doors slowly open... "Hello Whoville!" the mayor yelled happily. "It's been a great year for all of Whoville and I know it's been a tough for all of us, not only because of each Who's personal problems, but also we lost the most important statue in Whoville. It was a very sad day when the statue of me with my big dick out got demolished for my own personal reasons. That being my penis is no longer that long. That's why I decided that a Christmas gift for all Whos would be a brand new and improved statue of me with my dick out!" The crowd of Whos cheered! Some Whos are hugging and some are masturbating! "Wow everyone! You all are really excited for this new statue!" The mayor smiled and laughed at the crowd. "Now, let's begin the ceremony!" He continued. "Please refrain from grabbing others presents, if it doesn't have your first and last name on it, don't fucking take it!!!"

One by one, each Who had a present in hand. "Okay Whoville, open your presents!!" Everyone is going wild, ripped wrapping paper all over the square. The cleaning crew will have fun cleaning all of this shit up. Jojo opened his present first. "I hope I got something good! Last year I got toothpaste..." Jojo ripped his gift open andddddd he got a pair of Air Jordans! "Wow I love the color selection! I love black and red!" Jojo excitedly took off his shoes and revealed his stank ass feet. "Jojo put your ugly ass toes away! Your toes are small like your dick!" Jojo giggled and put on his Jordans. "Yeah my feet smell like shit and they are NOT small like my dick, my dick is smaller, remember?" Oh yeah, he's right. I'm getting flashbacks to when I first saw it in the bathroom at school... "Sadly I do." Jojo and I giggled. I touched my present, it's not that big of a gift so I'm hoping for jewelry or clothes. I opened my gift and saw the saddest thing ever.

A framed picture of someone's poop. Why the fuck would someone give this as a random gift? I mean yeah it's funny but it's real shit! Jojo laughed at my reaction. "You alright y/n? You look disgusted!" He continued to laugh and point at the picture. "It's horrible Jojo! And I can't throw it away because that breaks the Who tradition of keeping all gifts no matter how horrible! This is so fucking horrible!" I looked at the picture again and now I'm more upset, I can't stop crying funny tears but I'm so sad at the same time! "It'll be okay, I'm sure it'll look good in your room." Honestly, he's right. My room looks like shit and now this picture will surely make my room look shitty. "Alright Whoville! Have we all opened our presents?" The mayor asked. "Yes!!" Answered all of Whoville. "Now that we've all given each other gifts, it's time to go home and give each of our families a personal gift! Goodbye Everyone!"

The whole town cheered and the grand stampede has started. Yes, a stampede. About 100 Whos get lost in the crowd and get stomped, squished, and they're unable to breath. Then they die. 100 innocent Who lives die each Christmas. No one really cares we usually dump the bodies over the town limits and we let the wild animals eat them. "I'll take you home y/n, the crowd has split up and now we're able to walk without getting smashed." Jojo took my hand but I stopped him. We stood by the tree together in complete silence. Me and Jojo stared into each other's eyes and we kissed. "Jojo, it's been a shitty year for me but it got better near the end because I'm dating my crush." I blushed at Jojo as he smiled. "I'm happy we're together, y/n." We both smiled and kissed and parted ways for now.

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