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The morning of the games appeared and the knocking on her door like every other morning now seemed grim and when Sasha's voice filled the air heras heart sped up

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The morning of the games appeared and the knocking on her door like every other morning now seemed grim and when Sasha's voice filled the air heras heart sped up.

She checked the time it was half five, the gong didn't sound till midday so she expected a lot of prep or a long ride to the arena.

Shasha said goodbye at the elevator her face showed no emotion she had seen many tributes return from the games but had witnessed more dying.

She sent Sasha one last smile as the lift doors shut, she would never see Sasha again. her fingers, rather her whole body was trembling in anticipation.

"Hera listen to me" enobaria softly placed a hand on her shaking one, calming her slightly.

Enobarias eyes were worried she had grown close to the girl she was one of those girls that surprised you. The way she walked into the academy that first-day enobaria thought she would crack like a doll when she picked up one of the machetes.

But when the girl wielded the weapon like it was a part of her arm she knew she judged her wrong she was stronger than she looked.

"The cornucopia there will be a machete in there grab it and get out of there normally we tell you to attack but I think I understand your views on the victor" hera smiled sheepishly her mind was set and enobaria knew that nothing she could say would change the girl's mind she was a savior it was in her nature to protect.

The roof looked very different during the day, it was plain the only ordinary items on it were the two massive hovercraft set to take her to her death.

"Now this is where I leave you, Othello will be in the launch room waiting for you" enobaria smiled softly hear was too nervous to speak so she resolved to a hug.

She was on the second of the two crafts along with twelve others, Cato being one he was for once tense his hands gripping each other like her would his sword.

A look of calm came upon his face when she entered and the gains that were protruding through his skin disappeared. The tributes seemed to be split into odd and even.

She was slightly relieved at the fact that glimmer would be on another plane. The hover crafts chairs were uncomfortable but that was to be expected hovercraft was a source of transportation, not comfort.

The one thing hera was afraid of was needles not just because it was a rational fear of almost everyone but because she actually had a reason to.

Hera had been seven when she fell ill due to being slightly malnourished her immune system wasn't able to fight off what over it was that she had caught.

The nurses before anything had to check their bloods to see if there was any particular nutrient I was lacking. The murse on the way over to hear tripped and stabbed herself with the needle let's just say seven-year-old hear hadn't seen that much blood in her life.

❀𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝔾𝔸𝕄𝔼𝕊 𝕎𝔼 ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 (CATO HADLEY) 𝟘𝟙❀Where stories live. Discover now