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her eyes fluttered open, it took a while but they finally adjusted to her surroundings, everything was white, the hospital dress she wore, the bed, the ceiling, all were white

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her eyes fluttered open, it took a while but they finally adjusted to her surroundings, everything was white, the hospital dress she wore, the bed, the ceiling, all were white. from what she could see she was alone. she wasn't tied to the bed or anything like that, but the mirror beside the door was a one-way glass, meaning anyone outside could see hera but she couldn't see them.

her mind was blank, but it soon all came rushing back, the games, the mutts, cato. her mind pusher her body up, her leg, the burned thigh no longer tingled when she stood on it, on closer inspection she realized that it was in fact gone, not even the pinkness was there, her nails that had been chewed to the stubs were filed into round shapes and her hair that she was certain was a mess laid straight on her back and was silky to the touch.


I need to find cato

she found walking a little hard at first, her head was woozy from the drugs she had put in her for the station, and her unscarred had reached out for the door nob, but before she could open the door someone else did.


relieved to see someone she knew hera hugged her mentor tightly, enobaria smiled at release something that was usually scary ( her pointed teeth made her smile more sinister) but right now nothing was more welcome.

" cato?" her voice was hoarse from not using it, she wondered how long she had been out, it couldn't have been that long because the highlights of the games usually happened two days after the end of the games, and the victor or in this case victors would always be there to watch it.

" he's okay"

those two words woke hera up completely, cato was fine, his leg wound fixed, her legs gave way in relief, and enobaria half dragged half carried her back to the bed. hera couldn't stop smiling she was safe cato was safe, the nagging feeling that enobaria was lying was theirs but she had known enobaria for most of her life, she wasn't a liar.

" Can I see him?" she wanted to so badly, to be able to kiss him ruffle his hair, be able to hold him to smile, and revel in their duo survival. the slightly sad look on enobarias face punctured that bubble of happiness hera had blown up since she heard of his state.

"Unfortunately that is going to have to wait, the capital wants your reunion to be on live tv, so that's tomorrow" heras shoulders slumped tomorrow, she would have to wait a whole twenty-four hours before she could meet the eyes of her cato, she wanted to see his piercing blue eyes that looked at her with adoration whenever he saw her.

❀𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝔾𝔸𝕄𝔼𝕊 𝕎𝔼 ℙ𝕃𝔸𝕐 (CATO HADLEY) 𝟘𝟙❀Where stories live. Discover now