She's living in my head rent free!!!

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Pacifica's POV:
I held the pillow over my face and frustratedly screamed as loud as I could into it as laid with the left side of my body on the bed, I was dressed in my expensive purple and white silky Pyjamas and white ankle socks with a lace around the edge, with my hair spread out on the mattress.
'AGGGGHHHHHH' I muffled into into the pillow once more, I pulled it off my face and laid on my bed with my face down to the mattress as I started kicking my legs up and down on the bed, there's only one reason for my frustration. WHY CAN'T I GET HER OUT OF MY HEAD, SHE'S JUST A STUPID, SWEATER LOVING, PIG HAVING LOSER!!!
I rolled around, me now laying on my back, I let out an annoyed sigh and turned my head to look at the clock, it was 9am, I guess I should go downstairs to have breakfast now, hopefully our chef's delicious food takes my mind off of that disgusting brunette.
I rolled to the side of my bed, closest to my big dark oak door and propped myself up into a sitting pose and pushed myself up off the bed, I then continued to walk to the door and turned the knob, opening the door and continuing to walk down the stairs. Walking down the stairs, I lightly traced my hand over the smooth pine handle bar. Pine...Pines...Mabel Pi- STOP IT! SHE'S NOT WORTH MY TIME JUST EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AND FORGET ABOUT HER! I quickly retracted my hand from the handle bar and continued walking down the grand staircase carefully and walked to our dining room, I sat down at the large table and tapped the bell that sat on the table twice, soon after one of the maids entered through the door.
'What can I do for you young Miss?' She questioned with a notepad and a pen in her hands, 'hmmm, I want pancakes, but I want vegan pancakes, I don't want to risk ruining my figure,' I answered as she jotted down my order, 'Of course young Miss.' she responded, followed by a bow and her leaving and shutting the door faintly behind her.

When I finally got my pancakes I ate them slowly with a knife and fork, savouring every delicious bite, the pancake was covered in Mabel syru- I MEAN MAPLE, MAPLE SYRUP, GOD DANG IT, what am I supposed to do, she's living in my mind rent free! I started to think of us golfing together for the 1 millionth time this week, I can't get that stupid day out of my head, it started with me and Mabel competing on who's better at golf and we ended up eating tacos in the backseat of her gross car. I remembered as I held the taco in my hand I started to think of all those time I was rude to Mabel for...for nothing really, I mean yeah she is stupid and weird but...ugh what am I saying she's the worst, I think.

I soon finished my meal and just quickly gulped down the last bit of water in my glass, I placed it down on the table and wiped my mouth with a napkin, before I left to go back upstairs and get dressed I called a maid to clear up my plate and cutlery. I entered my room and undressed, putting my fluffy white robe on and my fluffy slider slippers on I walked to the bathroom had a shower and brushed my teeth, I dried off and wrapped my hair in a towel, I put the robe and slippers back on as I walked back to my room, I used the towel to dry my hair a little bit before I hung it on a hook attached to my wall. I walked over to my vanity table, facing my large, sparkly, purple mirror and pulled out my hair dryer and hair brush from the right draw on my vanity table. I plugged in my hair dryer and brushed my hair as the gusts of heat slowly dried my long blonde hair. I started to think about her AGAIN, I need to get her out of my head NOW, but I can't stop thinking about what she said.
'Well then maybe... maybe rivalries are dumb, maybe you don't settle them with petty competitions, maybe the only way to be "Da best" is by ending the fighting! and working together"                                                                
I remembered how she looked at my when she gave this speech, I giggled to myself as I remembered how she ripped a sticker off of her sweater and jammed it into her mouth, then struggled to chew on it and eventually swallowing it. She really is something else isn't she? okay maybe I've been overreacting cos I don't want to admit I was wrong, but she's actually really nice, still annoying, but I guess she's not so bad.                                              
Once I finished drying my hair I got dressed into my favourite outfit, my lilac dress topped off with my favourite silver belt and purple jacket, my long black socks and brown boots with fur around the edge, lastly I put my large hoop earrings in and did my makeup. I'm ready.

I walked down the staircase, without touching the pine handlebar and as I got to the door 'Pacifica where are you going dearie?' my mum questioned me, as she stood at the top of the staircase in her nightgown, her furry, long magenta robe hanging just under her shoulders and lightly trailing along the wood on our stairs, while she leaned on the wooden handle bar 'It's only 10am, you should sleep in a little bit more, beauty sleep is important for women of our class.' She told me while she stroked her light brown hair.                                            
'Yeah I know mum, but me and my girls are gonna for more makeup, as you said, beauty is important form women of our class' I answered as convincingly as I could,
'That's fabulous darling, glad to see you realise what's really important in life, kisses.'  
'Kisses.' I said before opening our grand door and closing it behind me.

I should pay the Pines girl a visit.

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