The plan

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Pacifica's POV:
I slept in Mabel's bed that night, I was planning on going home and sleeping there, but I realised I lost my key, I must've dropped it when Mabel shoved me and Dipper back into the shrub. I couldn't sleep at all that night all I could think about was how Mabel was stuck with Gideon, Gideon, his name felt like venom to me, his infatuation with Mabel was insane, he didn't love her, he maybe had a crush on her, but this wasn't love, you don't forcefully take your loved ones away from their homes. I clenched my fists as I though about him and his men, I started to calm myself down a bit as I thought back to Mabel, my heart rate increasing, my face reddening and my lips curving into a smile. I thought back to when she kissed me on my cheek, it all makes sense now, I like her, that's why it was playing on my mind so much because usually it's normal to kiss on the cheek platonically, I mean at home it's common curtesy when upper class guests arrive. Oh yeah my family, they'd flip their crowns if they knew I had been hanging out with a Pines instead of mocking them.
I know why I like Mabel now, she's cute and sweet and she sees the best in everybody, sure she's not perfect, she can be kinda selfish and she doesn't always think things through, but I'm not perfect either, that's plain to see, I guess I did get the answer I came here for after all, makes sense why she was playing on my mind now. I turned over to look at the time, it was 6am, way too early, but I couldn't sleep, I propped myself up and walked downstairs, usually when I can't sleep I usually have a cup of warm milk. I got out a milk carton from the fridge and put it in a kettle and boiled it, then I turned on the radio, which confirmed that 'our new ruler Gideon' had taken refuge in my family's mansion, I rolled my eyes at his greed and turned back to my milk that was boiling in the kettle, I don't know if this is how you're supposed to make it, I've never cooked, baked or made anything in my life, my servants always do that for me... WAIT THAT'S IT, I quickly dashed upstairs into the attic and slammed the attic door open, Dipper groaned from the loud noise 'DIPPER WAKE UP, I HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW TO SAVE MABEL!' I yelled at the top of my lungs, Dippers annoyance at me for being so loud suddenly turned into hope and excitement 'Wait? Really?! What is it?' He jumped out of bed and sped over to me, 'The radio just confirmed that Gideon is living in my house and since I know the inns and outs of it, I could go there pretending to be a servant and rescue Mabel!' He smirked in response, 'Honestly that's not a bad idea, but you're gonna need a disguise, we can shop for one today, we'll have to tell Grunkle Stan and Soos,' He grabbed my arm and dragged me along to Grunkle Stan's room, woke him up, grabbed him, did the same with Soos and told them our plan, 'Kid that's not a bad idea, but are you sure you're up for it? That's pretty dangerous,' Grunkle Stan questioned, 'I'm the only one here who could pull it off, Gideon knows you guys so well he'd be able to tell in a split second that it's you guys, if I do it I just might be able to pull it off and I'm the only one with makeup skills, which would be good with disguises,'
'Nice plan girl dude,' Soos approved 'Hey dudes, can you smell that, is something burning,' my heart jumped out of my chest.
'...oh my god.' I walked to the lit hen and saw the kettle was smoking, it quickly turned it off,
'Looks like you got a lot to learn before we send you on that mission Pacifica,' Dipper laughed, 'Yeah we gotta train you, you can do some work today in the mystery shack, make us drinks, then you'd be prepared to play the part,' Mr Pines suggested, as much as I hate this, it's for Mabel so I'll just have to suck it up, I took a deep breath, 'Okay since it's for Mabel, where do I start?'

Turns out being a servant is a lot harder than it looks, it's ridiculous they get paid so much less than other jobs, when there's so much work. The mystery shack is pretty gross, call me a snob, but it's true, I had to bleach the moldy spots in all the rooms, I had to sweep the floors, scrub the countertops, wipe the mirrors, restock the gift shop, serve customers, make the beds and make everyone food and drink, which I started off really bad at, but Dipper helped me out and I'm not bad at it now that I know what to do, he said he may be fine with me now, but he's only helping me with the food for his sisters sake and that under normal circumstances he'd revel in the fact a cocky Northwest was doing his chores. I finished up sweeping just as the shack closed, 'Looks like it's time to get you that costume.' Dipper stated, I nodded in response, we borrowed Mr Pines wallet and walked to the store, where we purchased a servants work outfit, the costume was a long black dreary dress, with a white apron, a bonnet, white knee socks and black flats, we also bought a long black wig to disguise my hair. We walked back to the shack and I tried on the disguise, and did my makeup, we won't be infiltrating the mansion until tomorrow, so we should get the disguise correct. I stepped out of the bedroom where they were waiting for me and Dipper started laughing 'Wow a Northwest dressed as a servant, this day couldn't get any better, nice Bonnet,' I scowled at him, 'Okay, jokes aside that disguise is perfect, no one will recognise you in that,' He started laughing again,
'Kid, great disguise, Gideon won't know what hit him,'
'Yeah girl dude, you got a knack for makeup and all that,' Mr Pines and Soos commented,
'Thank you, now if you'll excuse me I have to get some beauty sleep for tomorrow,' I walked into the attic, got changed out of the costume, wiped off my makeup and slipped into my pyjamas, I then drifted off to sleep.

I'm coming Mabel.

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