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Mabel's POV:
I woke up, dressed in my pyjamas, or at least the pyjamas they bought me, which was a silky long pink nightgown with pink straps and white lace along the straps and bottom of the dress and my hand was unchained, I won't get my hopes up though, the door is locked. I look down and see that Gideon is snuggled up against me, with his arm hugged against my waist. I try to slowly place his arm elsewhere without waking him, but just as I placed it on the side of his bed on the other side of him, he woke up, 'Morning sugar plum,' He greeted dreamily, staring at me all starry eyed, I didn't respond though, 'Silent treatment? Hmm? Mabel dear, I know you're upset, but this is for the best, me and you are destined to be together, you can't escape destiny!' He exclaimed, god he's coo-coo bananas, I just huffed and turned my head, just then *SMACK* I gingerly place my left hand on my left cheek and turn to face him, looking at him with a smirk on his face, 'WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!' I scream at him, his smile widened, 'I knew lil 'ole me would be able to get something out of you,' He flirted, he then went to go plant a kiss on my cheek, but I pushed him back before he could get too close, He stumbled and fell off the bed and I sniggered a little, which enraged him. 'You will learn to love me Mabel Pines!' He spat as he gripped the bed to stand up, 'How could I ever love you after what you did?!' I yelled back,
'Mabel dear, you don't understand, your family have brainwashed you, they've turned you against me, I've just rescued you from a lifetime of manipulation, we can be happy now.' He told me as he picked himself up and sat on the bed and cupped my two hands with his hands, 'Gideon, they didn't brainwash me and Dipper never came between us,' I argued back snatching my hands away, but he refused to listen, 'There you go again, spouting the none sense they've poisoned your pretty little head with, don't worry dear, you'll come to your sense.' He then grabbed my left hand, lifted it up and planted a kiss on it, yuck. He then walked over to the big walk in wardrobe and got changed into his blue suit in there, 'How do I look dumpling?' He arrogantly asked me, 'ugh you look the same you do every day Gideon,'
'You should get changed now dumpling I picked out the most beautiful outfit for you, it's hanging on the wall of the wardrobe,'
'I can't wait to see it.' I said sarcastically, I walked into the walk in wardrobe, turned on the light in there and slammed the door shut, I then walked over to the outfit he picked out for me, I'm shocked at how arrogant this boy is as I looked at the outfit I noticed it was basically a girl version of his outfit, the outfit was a black shirt with ruffles around the neck, a light blue blazer, a black skirt, black tights, black high heels and a head band with a little blue diamond in it, sort of like the gem on his bolo tie, except it was obviously not magical. I got changed into that outfit, yeah I know I hate it, but as much as I want to be rebellious, I am sort of scared for what Gideon would do to me and my family if I keep treating him in that way.

I stepped out of the wardrobe which was a lot harder than it should be with these heels, 'Wow darling you look better than I could've imagined and you're all mine,' he swooned,
'Okay I'm not 'yours' you don't own me, I'm not a prize.'
'Of course you're not darling, but you are very precious and you are technically in my possession.' He taunted, I hated that, he claims to love me, but has no problem treating me like an object, just as I opened my mouth to argue back to him we heard a knock at the door, 'Hold that thought pumpkin,' he told while walking over to the door, unlocking it and then locking it behind him again. I walked over to the door and tried to pry it open, but nothing worked. I heard Gideon taking with someone downstairs, I couldn't pick up what they were saying though the conversation was pretty muffled, I exhaustedly sat down and held my head up with my hands, I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs, my door was then unlocked and opened, 'Mabel dear, say hello to your new servant,' Gideon exclaimed, presenting a beautiful girl, wearing a long servant girl dress, a bonnet and had long black hair, she looked different, yet strangely familiar, but I couldn't quite place why, 'You're my Queen now so you deserve to live like one,' Gideon said, 'Gideon I don't need a servan-'
'No no Mabel, you deserve this, just let me know if she slips up and I'll get you a new one dear,'
'I'll let you get acquainted, I have business to attend to.' Gideon then gave my servant the keys to my room and shut the door behind him, my servant then locked the door 'So what's your name?' I questioned, she giggled and then walked over and sat on the bed next to me, she whispered 'Mabel it's me, Pacifica,' What there's no way she's Pacifica, though she does sort of sound like her, I whispered back 'Pacifica? That can't be you, you look so different,' she then pulled her wig and bonnet off to reveal her long shiny blonde hair, 'It's just a disguise Mabes, I came here to rescue you, it might take a while, but in the meantime, I can get you through this,' I can't believe she's risking everything to help me, I felt my face heat up as I looked into her midnight blue eyes, I inches closer to her, it felt like I wasn't in control of my own body, I was just moving closer because that's what I wanted, Pacifica saw me moving closer and also inches closer towards me, we got closer and closer, both of us not fully aware of our actions, then our lips slammed into each other, it felt sweet, but also rough as if we've both been waiting to do this for a while, she then cupped my face with her hands and I ran my fingers through her hair as we deepened the kiss. We finally broke the kiss and pulled away, gasping for air, 'I was going to tell you how I feel eventually, but this works too,' Pacifica confessed, I smiled and pulled her into a big bear hug, 'Pacifica, you're an amazing woman, I know I can get through this with you by my side,' I squeezed her harder
'Mabel you're squeezing the life out of me,' I pulled away 'whoops sorry,'
'Also you should call me Mary around Gideon and his men,'
'Understood 'Mary','

I think I'm gonna be okay.

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