Home sweet home?

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Mabel's POV
As we walked to... wherever we were going, Gideon's 'hench-angel' kept a firm arm on my shoulder, to ensure I wouldn't run off, I was zoning out the whole way there so I wouldn't have to hear Gideon ranting to everyone about how amazing he is and how his plans had finally succeeded, I didn't want to hear his annoying voice. I started to think about Dipper, Stan, Pacifica, Soos and Wendy, oh god Wendy! I know Stan, Soos, Dipper and Pacifica are probably safe, for now, but Wendy lives in town she's probably been forced to surrender like all the other citizens. I kept trying to convince myself that it wasn't true and that Wendy's cool and tough and her dad is Manly Dan, but these were 10s of escaped convicts, who's leader showed no room for mercy. I worried for Pacifica and Dipper, I hoped they made it home safe and Stan and Soos, I hope they're okay too. Pacifica might have to go back to her home, I mean Gideon hates my family, he's definitely going to go there soon and get his revenge, so it'd be safer for he- 'Here we are sugar plum, our new Castle, very fit for a King and his Queen,' Gideon flirted, I looked up at the 'castle' and realised, oh crud.
'Our new home is Northwest Manor?'!'
'Why yes dumpling, I did take over the city, who's gonna object to us living here?' He stated as his henchmen forced open the gate and walked inside, taking me with them, we got to the door and I figured they'd bust it down, but Gideon pulled out a key, 'Where did you get that key?!' I asked panicked, had they robbed one of the Northwests somehow? 'Where did I find this key? Hmm? We'll killbone gave it to me, said he found it shortly after we found you,' I started panicking, Pacifica must've dropped that, what if she's panicking that she can't find her keys, or worse what if they know she was with me, 'So either you've stolen the Northwest's keys, they just left them there, or you were hiding with a certain blondie.' Gideon stated, I broke into a nervous sweat, but it wasn't visible 'I-I don't know what you're talking about Gideon.' I huffed, 'hmm, it doesn't matter right now, whatever it was that left those keys there, got us the biggest house in Gravity falls to live in, we were originally gonna forcefully steal Mayor Befufftlefumpter's mansion, but this is much better for us,' The second he opened the doors, ghost eyes pulled me in through the doors and let go once they slammed the doors shut behind them. Gideon and his henchman took off their shoes, jackets and stuff and all of them ran into the living room and started watching tv all except for ghost eyes who walked me upstairs with a firm grip still on my shoulder, 'let's show you to our room sugar,' Gideon endeared, I cringed, there's no way I wanted to be staying in the same room with him, we finally got to the room and as Gideon opened the door I noticed this room would've belonged to Pacifica's parents as it was a massive room with a lavish king sized crimson red bed, with crimson red curtains, a mirror, it's own fireplace, two walk in wardrobes, a bathroom attached to it and was beautifully decorated, there was also a portrait of Preston and Priscilla Northwest hung on the wall, Gideon and Ghost took me over there, took down the portrait and threw it out of the window, they then replaced it with a portrait of me and Gideon lovingly looking into each other's eyes, eww, the portrait was bad because of how tall they drew Gideon and the way how they drew us together, but, despite that, if I'm being honest it was a beautiful portrait, beautifully painted I mean, the actual picture disgusts me.

'That's much better, Ghost eyes, you may join the other now, I'd like some time alone with this special lady,' Gideon told Ghost eyes and turning to me, 'Yes boss.' He left and shut the door behind him, I sat on the side of the bed and worriedly looked at him, wondering what he'd do 'I could get used to this,' Gideon stated as he sat on the bed next to me, he wrapped his arm around me, gross, I angrily turned my head away 'hmmph!', 'Aww come on marshmella,' he said snuggling up closer to me 'As my Queen you'll be livin' a life 'o luxury' that's rich, 'if I'd be living a life of luxury, then why am I chained up?'
'Well because darlin' if ah unchained you then you might just try to escape, and ah can't be having no run away brides,' my ears pricked up at that statement, 'What do you mean bride?' I asked as I shifted slightly away from him, his grin widened and he moved closer to me, 'I'm so glad you asked sugar plum,' he booped my nose and continued, 'You know ah'm in love with you, but you keep turning me down because of your wretched family, always fillin' that pretty little head o' yours with fibs, so I'm rescuing you, when we get married, me and you will be free to do whatever we want, and you can think for yourself without your family this time!' I stared at him in shock, is he Insane?! 'Gideon. If you want me to be able to think for myself since you "love me soooo much" then why force me into a marriage without asking me opinion?'
'Don't you see darlin', you do love me, back when we hung out and started dating, ah fell in love and ah know if ah felt it, you felt it too, you're just confused because your Great uncle as your brother have poisoned your mind, don't you see we belong together,'
'But Gideo-!' I was cut off as he grabbed a lock of my hair and started stroking it, 'Stop that!' I yelled and whipped my hair back, which made him angry, 'GHOST EYES!!!' He screamed as loud as he could, I heard loud footsteps thud up the stairs and down the corridor, he then quickly came through the bedroom door huffing 'You wanted to see me boss?'
'Yes, chain her to the bed!' Gideon commanded pointing at me, 'WHAT?!' I yelled and shot you from the bed, 'you can't do that!'
'Oh sweet Mabel, I can do whatever I want, you're mine now, chain her!' Excuse me, his?! I'm not his property, Ghost eyes hoisted me up and then placed me on the bed, he unlocked the cuff on my right hand and then handcuffed that end to the bed, 'Thank you ghost eyes that will be all, and leave the handcuff keys with me.' Ghost eyes did as he was told and shut the door behind him, I glared at Gideon, 'Anyway where were we?' He shifted right near me and snuggled right up to me, he stroked and sniffed my hair, it was awful. He kept flirting and playing with me, not in the way where you both have fun, in the way where I'm his dolly, when he got tired he unlocked my handcuff, locked the windows and locked the door behind him taking the key as well, keeping me totally trapped in there.

I hope Pacifica is safe.

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