2 steps from the edge

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Pacifica's POV:
Being a servant is the worst, despite the fact I get to spend quality time with Mabel, her the room is massive and she even has her own bathroom, you'd think that because I'm her personal servant, that only she can boss me around, right? Wrong. Gideon Demands that I clean all her clothes, well all the clothes he chooses for her to wear, her bedroom, her wardrobe, I have to make the food she wants every day, being is servant is hard work, I've gained so much respect for my old servants, maids and butlers now. When I finish my work, sometimes I spend a little quality time with Mabes, but when Gideon is there I just have to go back to my room and unfortunately, today is one of those days. I walked into my room and slumped onto my bed, immediately asleep, my room was pretty average looking, a normal bed at the right side of the room, a desk with a lamp on top next to my bed where I kept my cleaning supplies, a wardrobe next to the door and a small book shelf on the left side of the wall, of course this is like a slum for me, after over a decade of lavishly decorated suites and bedrooms, this would've been unbearable if I hadn't noticed how nasty the mystery shack was. I wonder how long it'll last before the mild comes back, hope Mabel won't be too upset to see Daryl missing, I laughed aloud to myself at the thought. I felt for Mabel, having to spend the night being chained to the bed with a lunatic next to her. We've got to get her out of here soon, I know we do, but I'm waiting for Gideon and his men to leave for even a little while, but he won't leave Mabel alone. Yeah he leaves her in her room, but with entertainment and never really leaves without locking her door, and if he does pop out, he makes sure one of his strongest henchmen stay home to keep guard, maybe we'll just have to wait until he does that and make our way around his henchman. Whatever we do I am getting her out of here I swear it.

Soon after tiring myself out with my thoughts and worries, I drifted off to sleep, usually I'd lay in for a while, not too long though because mum says beauty sleep is important and laziness is for peasants.  So I usually wake up at around 9am. This time however I woke up to a buff man about 6 foot yelling at me at 6am. I slowly rises from my mattress, rubbed my eyes and yawned 'Morning?' He boomed back at me 'Master Gideon has demanded we wake you up to start making a big breakfast for Miss Mabel.' Of course I'd do most anything for Mabel, although doing things for other people is sort of a new thing for me, thought I did agree, I have to make them believe me to be able to pull this off. I was told to bake every breakfast pastry in the recipe book they gave me, being croissants, pain au chocolat, cinnamon buns, you name it, it was there. Then I had to make some fresh squeezed orange juice, pineapple juice, apple juice and of course Mabel juice.
I felt like I was going to faint by the time I was done. I placed all the food and drink on a large tray and carried it upstairs to their room. By now it was 9am, I knocked on the door gently with my foot so I wouldn't spill anything, I heard Gideon telling me to enter so I carefully turned the knob and pushed the door open with my elbow, then once I was in, I walked over and placed the food on the desk next to Mabel's bed. She gave me a warm smile as I did 'Thank you Mary,' she winked at me and I winked back just before I walked away. I reached out for the door knob and was just about to turn it when 'WAIT!' Gideon yelled. Darn! Poo peck darn! Did he see us wink? is he angry? What if he?- 'Would you be a lamb and pick out outfits for me and my peach dumpling for tonight? I want us to have a romantic dinner together.' I clenched my fists in anger, but my smile stuck to my face. I looked over at Mabel who was looking down with sadness in her eyes and twiddling her fingers uncomfortably. I didn't want her to do any of this, but I also didn't want her to be put in a worse situation because of my recklessness. So I agreed and made my way into the walk in wardrobe and started looking. Eventually I finally found the perfect outfits for them, of course Gideon had a blue suit, though it was much more glamorous and snazzy than his current suit. It was the same colour blazer and shorts, but the blazer's collar had small gold circles sewn into it, his white undershirt had ruffles around the neck, he had a navy blue bow tie with a gold circle in the middle joining both sides together, there were strips of gold fabric hanging from his arms, he also had a brown belt and brown boots with gold patters embroidered on them. Though Mabel had a massive rose pink dress, literally rose, it was made out of pink feathers and had hot pink roses sprouted around the dress, she also had hot pink high heels and a small light pink hat with a heart stuck out the top and two of the same roses sprouted from the top and Hit pink heart shaped earrings. I blushed as I imagined her wearing the dress, but quickly shook it off before I went to show them their outfits.

I grabbed them by their hangers and hauled them with me to outside of the wardrobe. 'Sir Gideon, Miss Mabel, I have your outfits.' I told them, Gideon's face lit up as he scooted off the bed and came over to take a look at what I chose, 'Wonderful, she'll look a picture in that outfit and I'd say look pretty good in that as well,' He boasted, which made me and Mabel snigger a little bit, thankfully he didn't hear us. I hung the outfits on the doorknobs to the wardrobe 'Oh and Mary, tell the chefs to make us a big buffet for tonight. I want everything to be perfect,' Gideon commanded, as he started  brushing his fingers through Mabel's hair as she continuously brushed him off with her shoulder. Through gritted teeth I smiled and responded 'Yes of course Sir, right away.' and left the room.

I don't know how much more of this I can take before I snap.

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