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Pacifica's POV:
I couldn't handle the way he was talking to her, I know I should've waited for it to be safe, but I really had to tell him what a moron he is and I guess now we're here. 'Pacifica, what happens if they find us?' Mabel whispered, her voice trembling, 'Then Dipper will help us, he always thinks of something.' I responded in a low whisper, trying to reassure myself too.
'Paz Paz,'
'Yeah Mabes?'
'I appreciate what you did back there, thank you for saving me,'
'You're welcome Mabes,'
'Honestly, I know it might be soon, but after all that...I think I-'

'MEN, SEARCH THIS PLACE, DON'T MIS OUT A SINGLE SPOT!!' we heard Gideon order some of his men, I put my finger to my lips and singled shh to Mabel, who then hugged me tight and I hugged her back. For so long we were cramped inside that tiny tube, as we heard *THUMP* *THUMP* 'NOT IN HERE BOSS!'
Until we finally found them yell 'HEY I DON'T THINK WE'VE SEARCHED THE SLIDE YET!'
I could heart my heartbeat in my ears, my face got hot, I tried to control my breathing to not blow our cover, I scrunched up my legs slowly to not make any sound and so that they might not spot us. Mabel noticed what I was doing and copied. 'WELL CHECK IT THEN, I HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY!' I heard light banging on the slide as their beefy hands gripped the material to peek inside, me and Mabel closed our eyes tightly and held each other so tightly we could've popped, but then nothing happened. We released each other and looked down, we couldn't see him at all, we didn't dare come out for fear of them still being there, but then someone stuck their head inside the slide and looked directly at us. 'Hey Guys,' Dipper looked up at as and smiled reassuringly, all my worries melted as me and Mabes smiled back at him. He pushed himself and we both slid down. When we landed on the floor we noticed that the government agents Dipper almost got eaten by zombies were arresting Gideon and his men with a ton of other agents. 'You'll be going away for a very long time.' Agent powers told Gideon
'So what? I've done jail,' Gideon responded cockily, 'oh this is a lot worse than jail.' He said as he shoved Gideon into the back of a car, with handcuffs on. Me and Mabes walked towards the car and I grinned as I looked at him, savouring our victory, he kept yelling something, but I couldn't hear him through the thick glass, so as he ranted at me, I looked at Mabel who was giggling at his anger, placed my hand on her cheek, turned her to me and kissed her, she kissed back, she tasted like strawberries. When I pulled away, I smugly smiled at Gideon, who was now red with rage, grabbed Mabel's hand and walked back to the mystery shack with Dipper following.

As me and Mabel made our way up to Mabel's room, I asked 'So Mabes, what were you going to say in the slide?' Mabel suddenly turned pink, 'Well, I was going to say that I...I think I love you,' my face got hot and I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato, 'What?'
'I love you, I know it's sudden, but I can't help it, you saved me, I really care about you and can't see me with anyone else, I LOVE YOU!'
I was stunned, I sweetly smiled back at her and responded 'I love you too Mabel, you've never doubted me, I never knew I could be this kind, you bring out the best in me and I think you for that. I love you too.'
Tears started to form in Mabel's eyes as well as mine, we held each other close and melted into each other's embraces.

The next day Mabel helped me clean up and restore my family's mansion, her handyman Soos helped fix everything they'd broke, we got rid of the awful portrait of Mabel and Gideon and replaced it with the old portrait of my mum and dad, we got all the old staff back, discarded all of the new clothes Gideon added and made it look spotless. It took a long time, but it was worth it to spend the time with the love of my life. 'Looks like everything is spotless.' Mabel admired as she put wiped the sweat off her four head, 'it wouldn't be without you.' I flirted,
'Aww Paz Paz!' She kissed my cheek and I responded by lifted her up by her waist and spinning her round, she giggled, then I placed her back down and kissed her four head before waving goodbye to them to return back home.
Soon after they left, *DING DONG* 'Pacifica! We're home!' My parents called from downstairs. I rushed downstairs to greet them, 'Welcome home mum and dad.' I greeted,
'How were things while we were gone?' My dad questioned, 'Oh don't worry dad, everything was just... magical.'
'We'll that's nice dear, your father and I will be watching tv in the living room, join us if you like.' My mother told me
'No thank you, but enjoy.'
I rushed upstairs and jumped on my bed, pulled out my phone and started texting my Mabes,

P: Hey Mabes
M: Hey Paz Paz, you up for something?
P: What did you have in mind?
M: We were going to throw a party at the high school in honour of defeating Gideon, you in?
P: of course, I can't wait!
M: See you soon then!
I turned my phone off and went to pick out an outfit.

I can't wait to see how our relationship goes.

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