Left me wanting more

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Pacifica's POV:
Me and Mabel finally arrived to the mall, our hands were still intertwined, I gazed at our linked hands and then up at Mabel. She was looking up at the mall, her mouth open in a shocked smile, and her eyes seemed to sparkle while strands of her hair seemed to flow, wow, I've never seen her like this before, I mean of course she's always smiling and she looks no different than she ever has before, but there's something enchanting about it now, I'm not seeing her as a freakishly over energetic girl anymore, I'm seeing her as sweet, kind Mabel Pines. I felt my face start to heat up and took my hand back from hers, in an attempt to stop blushing and cover my face. Mabel turned to face me, still a smile spread on her face 'Hey Paz Paz , wanna go buy some new clothes?' Wait what did she just call me? 'Well yeah of course, but Paz paz?!'
'Hehe it's a nickname for you, y'know you're Pacifica so Paz, Paz Paz get it? Hehe' she responded, shutting her eyes and tilting her head as she giggled, 'oookay? Well if we're gonna go shopping I know the perfect place, let's go urban outfitters first,' I suggested confidently, Mabel's expression turned to a thinking face 'I don't know... aren't their clothes really expensive? I'm not as wealthy as you Pacifica, I only have $15 on me and I want to buy some food later,'
'We'll that's okay, I'll pay for it,' Wait what did I just say, I'll pay for a P-Pines, seriously what is happening to me, the only reason I'm hanging out with Mabel is to stop thinking about her and/or find out why I'm so fascinated with her right now, I guess it's too late to back out now. She raised her eyebrows and turned her facial expression to an innocent, sad smile, 'That's sweet of you Pacifica, but I can't let you do that,'
'It's no big deal, I'm loaded it's not like anyone will notice the money was gone, and I can't spend all this money alone.' Mabel slowly shook her head 'No I know you're rich and that this is probably no big deal for you, but I can't let you pay for everything I want, that would be rude,' Damn this girl really is amazing, I don't think I have any friends as nice as her, then again my friends aren't really friends, it's not like they're absolutely horrible people, well... maybe they're a little mean, but they're more like two girls that just follow me around and hang out with me cos they know it'll give them better reputations and won't get bullied if they're around me. I grabbed Mabel's arm and hastily pulled her along to urban outfitters, besides even if she still doesn't accept my money, I am buying something there, their clothes are so trendy and cute 'Pacifica! hey that's my thing!' Mabel continued to protest, her words falling on deaf ears as I proceeded to drag her to urban outfitters.

We finally arrived and stood in the doorway to the most amazing clothes shop in the history of the universe. Mabel's jaw dropped to the floor 'I've never seen one this big, it's amazing....but Paz Paz, I can't afford anything here and I can't let you pay for it,'
'Enough with that already Mabel, we're here to hang out, you're lucky I'm even gracing someone like you with my presence,' I mean it's true though, I'm a Northwest, she's a Pines, we must look ridiculous hanging out together.
'Okay okay fine, no need to get cranky Paz Paz I'll get something if it makes you that happy,' she finally agreed while she walked further into the store with me following.
We kept browsing for clothes, I already picked out these super cute sunglasses, bell bottom blue jeans, white crop top and cropped purple hoodie, oh god this would look so adorable with my white Air Force trainers.
Mabel seemed to still be browsing, I know a lot of things have caught her eye in here, but she hasn't chosen them, maybe she's worried about making me pay too much or not having anything to match with it. 'Hey Mabes!' I called out to the brunette with her proceeding to turn her head towards me 'Are you gonna get something or what?'
'Awww Pacifica,' what, did she just aww at me asking her to basically hurry up? 'You gave me a nickname,' she said, putting her hands on her heart with big puppy dog eyes, 'Wh-n-hey! Answer the question,' I stuttered out, bending down slightly and covering my embarrassed flush with my arm 'hehe well...I really wanted to get this.' She then pulled out a Brown slightly cropped sweater with light brown and white hearts dotted around the sweater, and the pulled out skinny black jeans and dark brown shades. She's still sticking to her sweater theme, but this outfit is so much cuter.

We then walked over to the changing rooms and she went in first, we decided to do it separately so we could judged how each other looks in our outfits. She was in there for 5 minutes and then as I was scrolling through my Snapchat feed 'I'm ready now,' she squealed out from inside the curtain, then she drew back the curtain and revealed her brand new outfit. My jaw dropped, practically to the floor and a very visible red flush crossed over my left check and over my nose to my right cheek, she never looked cuter, her sweater was slightly loose fitting on her and her shiny, slightly curly hair rested on her dainty shoulders with her new sunglasses resting on her locks, again I covered my blush with my arm, not that it mattered, she was looking down at her new outfit and admiring it anyway. 'So what do you think?' Mabel asked me, catching me off guard, 'oh, huh?'
'What do you think of my new outfit silly hehe,' she repeated, finishing with a small twirl 'oh you look- you look really cute,' I mumbled the last part 'Sorry what was that?' She asked teasingly, she very obviously heard me 'Don't jinx yourself,' I said slightly embarrassed, she belly laughed at my behaviour and then whiled a small tear from her eye before proceeding to go get changed back into her original clothes and put her new clothes in a 'save the turtles' sort of bad she so happened to have folded up with her in her purse. Poor people are strange.
I then walked behind the curtain and got changed into my outfit, after around 5 minutes, I came out of the changing room 'What do you think? Pretty gorg huh?' I asked confidently, Mabel's jaw dropped with her mouth still forming a smile, her eyes lit up and Scarlett covered her from cheek to cheek, except she didn't try to hide it 'PACIFICA! YOU LOOK STUNNING!' She then jumped up and sped towards me, throwing her arms around me, wow I'm surprised she's not embarrassed to say this stuff in public, I guess that's the perks of being poor, no reputation to uphold cos no one really cares.
After I finished getting dressed back into my previous clothes and bought a plastic bag at the counter, which Mabel jokingly called me evil for 'You're killing the turtles!' She jokingly protested, we went to the food court and ate Nando's together, we proceeded to hand out until we realised it was already 19:00.

'Oh shoot, I should get going now,' I started after checking the time on my phone, 'Dang it's already 7pm? God we were having so much fun we didn't even notice the time! I knew we'd be best friends one day!' Mabel exclaimed while spontaneously throwing her arms around me, 'Yeah, heh heh, but I gotta go home now,' her releasing me from her grip 'Do you want me to walk you home? it's getting dark now?' She suggested sweetly 'No no no you should be getting home too now, I'll be fine don't worry about me,' I assured her, I can't let my parents see us together, 1. They'd be disappointed and 2. I told my mum I was hanging out with 'my girls' if she finds out I lied, she'll kill me.
'Oh ok, see ya soon Paz Paz.' Mabel said to me as she kissed me on the cheek before running of with her bag and waving. I waved back goodbye and put my hand where her lips just were, whether or not that small kiss was a friendly thing, it certainly didn't make me feel like I saw her as just a friend.

Mabel Pines, what a strange girl.

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