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~Several months later~

Evangeline glided through the crowds of people on her way to Castle Araluen, barely even touching anyone as she passed beside or behind them. She knew he said it was her choice to make whether she continued in her training as a Courier or not, but the anxiety in her chest told her otherwise.

No matter how many times she'd been told he would accept her choice, something in the back of her mind told her that her father was lying. She took several deep breaths in and out to quell the growing fear.

She entered the castle without trouble. With everyone in Araluen and its neighbors knowing exactly who she was, she wasn't surprised they let her in without any fuss. She gave each of the guards a curt but respectful nod in greeting as she passed them by.

She stopped in front of her father's office, secretly wishing he was elsewhere in the building and she'd have to leave a message that she needed to speak with him in private, but the thought of having to wait even longer heightened her anxiety once again.

She lost count as to how many times she'd had to take deep breaths, as perscribed by the doctor, but she did it again, and she knocked on the door without another thought.

The door opened to reveal it was her father's apprentice. "Oh, hello William," she greeted. "Is my father in there?"

William nodded and turned his head to announce his teacher's daughter. She was let in moments later, and she immediately went to stand in front of his desk, while William went to his own to continue in whatever task he was doing when she'd knocked.

"What can I help you with, Evie?" her father asked.

Evangeline cleared her throat. "I wanted to talk to you about my decision."

Her father looked up from his work, setting down his writing utensil. A sign he was giving her his undivided attention. She continued at his gesture. "I've decided I no longer wish to be a Courier. Something like that would be too strenuous after what I'd just gone through, and the doctor even recommends a career change."

Alysster only nodded as she spoke, hanging onto every word. "What would you like to do?" he asked, his tone filled with understanding, like she'd hoped.

Evangeline shrugged. "I don't know what I'd do yet. I'm already curating a list of all the careers in Araluen that wouldn't cause too many, if any, panic attacks. But I feel like I should wait a few years before I'm even remotely ready for any of them."

Alysster nodded again, and stood from his desk. He went around it and wrapped his arms around her. "Whatever you decide to do, just know that your mother and I will always be here for you, even if none of us are physically there," he said.

Evangeline managed a smiled, and she returned the embrace.

No further discussion was needed, and William seemed content to keep his mouth shut, even as Alysster let his daughter stay in the office to read while they finished up working, that way she didn't have to walk home alone.

When the two of them arrived in their small cabin just a little ways off from the Ranger's cabin, Evangeline finally felt at peace with her family; with her life. Her anxiety settled for the day, and she slept soundly.

No more nightmares.

For now.

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