Chapter Nine

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Alysster and William found themselves on a little hill while they stared at the town and its castle. "There it is, William. My home fief," Alysster told his colleague.

William gazed at the fief in awe. "No wonder it's got a big reputation. Its castle is beautiful."

Alysster chuckled. "You should see this place at sunset. The whole castle looks red."

William looked at Alysster in awe. "Really?" Do you think we could stay until Sunset?" he questioned.

Alysster chuckled and urged his horse forward. "Maybe, but we need to get to my family, first," he said.

William urged his own horse forward and followed Alysster into Redmont. The younger Courier looked around the town with wonder. "This town is beautiful," he said.

Alysster smiled at his colleague. "Yes. Every time I come here, I get chills because I can't believe it's my home town."

William acknowledged Alysster's statement, but continued his gaze around the town. He saw how polite the people were around each other and around the two Couriers. They waved to Alysster in a greeting and Alysster inclined his head in response.

"The people here know you rather well," William commented.

Alysster nodded. "Yes. I grew up here, so it was inevitable that a member of the Council and two members of the Special Force grew up here...make that four."


"My father, Uncle, brother, and I all grew up in Redmont. My father and uncle grew up in Redmont's ward together, and my mother grew up with them, but she's not in the Special Force. Not officially anyway."

"Not officially?"

"You're full of questions, aren't you?"

William hesitated a little. "Sorry."

"Don't be. It's a good thing to be inquisitive, Now, my mom isn't officially in the Special Force because she has her own job to worry about and if she doesn't, she just tags along for the ride, same with my Aunt."

"Who's your Aunt?"

"The queen herself, and my Uncle is her husband."

William's mouth dropped. "Are you serious?" he questioned.

"I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't, William."

They neared the entrance to the castle and Alysster showed off his pendent, telling the guards who he was and why he was there. They glanced at William.

"He's with me," Alysster said briefly.

The guards inclined their heads towards him and raised the green flag for the guard up top to raise the gate.

The gate slowly rose and let the two Couriers through. The two men dismounted and left the stable hands to take care of the horses.

"Now, what we're doing here at the castle is telling my grandparents, because my grandfather is part of the Special Force, even though he's supposed to be retired."

"Why is he in the Special Force, then?"

"Because he's still healthy enough to partake in the missions taken by the Special Force, despite what his age tells us."

"I see."

They entered the building and William followed behind Alysster in silence since the older Courier seemed to know where he was going.

Sooner than William expected, they were at a random door and Alysster was knocking.

The door opened and an elderly woman appeared. "Alysster, what are you doing here?" she inquired.

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