Chapter Seven

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Alysster stood in the Council, waiting for the meeting to start. He saw William fidget and become more and more squeamish than he was before they entered the room. He left his podium and walked over to William. "You'll be fine, Will," he said in the younger man's ear.

William looked at Alysster and smiled. "Thank you," he replied.

They heard a clapping and Alysster hurried to his podium. The Head Counselor looked around the room to check if they were all in their places and nodded to himself. "Now that we're all here, I want to know if anyone found the name of the one with the initials of A.D," he said.

William raised his hand. "I did while assisting Alysster."

"And the name is...?"

"Anastasio Devine."

The room went into an uproar before the Head Counselor raised his hands for silence. "The notorious kidnapper and assassin?"


The Head Counselor sighed. "This man is trying to gain control of the kingdom and has kidnapped an innocent courier just to gain it. We need to stop him and we need to do that as soon as possible, without harming the girl."

There was a murmur of agreement among the Council. Alysster spoke up among the murmurs. "Also, with Devine being a Genovesan, we also have a chance to stop the Genovesans from taking over the world as a group."

The Head Counselor nodded his understanding. "And we agreed to take care of the Genovesans with the Special Forces, correct?" he questioned.

Alysster inclined his head. "Yes, sir."

The Head Counselor thought to himself. "But Cassandra and Alyss are becoming busier with their line of work, so we'll have to adapt to the lesser number of people. Also, we need to tell them what's going on and what needs to be done about this."

"The Queen already knows what's going on, as does her husband. However, none know what needs to be done to stop it."

"That's why all the members of the Special Forces, aside from yourself, need to be informed about this issue."

Another murmur of agreement went through the room. "William, Alysster, I need you two to tell Halt, Will, and William Treaty and their spouses, if they have any, what's going on and what needs to be done about it."

Alysster and William nodded and they both wrote something down on the papers in front of them as the Head Counselor spoke again. "I need someone else to contact Horace to tell him the situation."

Alynn rose her hand. "I'll tell him while Alysster and William inform the Rangers," she suggested.

"Thank you, Alynn," the Head Counselor replied. "As for the rest of you, I would start writing to the Barons about this issue and inform them to keep their Couriers close in their fiefs, but also keep this issue quiet to their subjects." He slammed the gavel onto his podium. "Meeting adjourned."

Alysster and William joined each other at the doors and conversed as they walked to their respective rooms. "I need to pack for the ride and tell my wife what's happening. She will not be happy about this," Alysster said.

"I think we both need to pack up for the trip," replied William.

Alysster stopped at his room and opened the door to find his wife sitting in the chair, reading. "You look like you're in a hurry," she commented.

"I am. I need to get to my grandparents, and my parents, pronto," Alysster replied, going for his dresser drawers as he took off his Courier robes.

"Why is that?"

"You're not going to like what I'm about to tell you."

Jacqueline shut her book and looked at him. "Tell me."

Alysster looked at her before he sat in the seat across from her. "Our daughter has been kidnapped and she's being used as leverage to gain control of the kingdom."

Jacqueline shot up to her feet. "What?" she hissed. "We need to get her back as soon as possible."

"Which is what we're working on. Me and the rest of the Special Force will be heading out for Toscana and finding the man that took her," Alysster explained.

Jacqueline went to her dresser. "I'm coming with you," she said.

Alysster stopped her before she could make it. "Not right now. I need to tell my parents and grandparents about this. While I'm doing that, I need you to stay here and wait for me. After that, we might be able to bring you. It's a big might, though."

"I can't just sit here and worry every day since you leave," Jacqueline replied.

"I know, which is why I'm saying you might come. However, I can't make any promises that you will be able to come with us," Alysster explained.

Jacqueline sighed and sat back down. "Fine. But promise me you'll say whether I can come."

"You have my word."

Alysster closed his bag, hoisted it onto his shoulder, and went over to kiss his wife goodbye. "I love you and I will be back as soon possible," he said before leaving the room.

He met William out in the stable yard, both his and Alysster's horse ready to leave. Alysster strapped his belongings to one of the horse's sides and mounted. "Ready?" he asked.

William mounted and nodded. "Do you know the way?"

"Yes. Just follow me and you'll be fine."

With that, they took off out of the stable yard and turned their horses to Redmont.

A/N: Hey, Guys! Sorry that this chapter was so late. If you go onto my page, I wrote an apology there, last Sunday, along with all the reasons why this was so late. I might have another Chapter for you this upcoming Sunday, but I can't make any promises. I hope you liked this Chapter and, again, sorry it was so late.


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