Chapter Ten

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"I'm sorry, Alysster, but I can only afford to send five people."    

"So, you've chosen all the men in the group?" Alysster accused. "How kind of you to think of how the women will react."

"My apologies, Alysster," replied the Head Counselor.

"Don't apologize to me, Counselor. Apologize to the wives of the men you've oh, so carefully selected," Alysster retorted. Sarcasm layered his tone, signaling to the Head Counselor that the Courier was frustrated with him and the situation at hand.

The Head Counselor sighed, deeply and audibly. He barely had time to blink before Alysster was at the door, ready to open it. "I can tell that my wife will not be happy with you once I tell her, nor will she be happy with me. You never want to provoke a former Gallican Tribe Member," Alysster added over his shoulder.

The Head Counselor didn't say anything as Alysster left the room.


Alysster walked into his office and sat down at his desk, debating on whether he should let his wife find out, or tell her himself.

Don't want a trained Native after my ass if I don't tell her myself, he thought. She'll kill me.

He sighed in frustration before hearing a knock at the door. "Come in," he called.

William Stevenson walked into the room with a disappointed look on his face. Alysster already knew what the younger Courier was disappointed about, but he decided to ask anyway, in case he might be wrong. "Why the look of disappointment?"

"I heard that just the men of the Special Force can go on the rescue mission," William answered.

"It wasn't my choice, William. I heard as well and, let's just say, my wife will be the least bit of happy to know that she can't help me save our daughter."

"I didn't say I was blaming you, Alysster."

Alysster smirked a little. "Just need to vent?" he questioned.

William sat himself into a casual position in one of the soft armchairs across Alysster's desk. Alysster's smirk became a slight smile. "I have to remember that you weren't so casual around me before. What brought on the lack of formalities?"

"The realization that you're not as intimidating as everyone makes you out to be," William replied.

Alysster laughed. A nice laugh, full of happiness, with his smile reaching his eyes. "You're right about that, William. I may be terrifying, but that's only when I'm made angry. I'm not angry all the time, which is why you're right to trust me. You're also lucky you're not anywhere near me when I lose my temper."

William chuckled. "That I am, Alysster. That I am," he replied.

Alysster weaved his fingers together and rested his chin on top while his elbows rested on the desk. "I knew there was something special about you," he said.

"When we saw each other fifteen years ago?"

"Yes," Alysster answered. "Hard to believe that was fifteen years ago."

William merely nodded. "Which is why I wanted to go with you on the rescue mission."

Alysster sighed and stood. "I understand your disappointment, and I can tell you that the wives of my family and me can feel your pain. I wished for you to go as well, but the Counselor can only afford to send five people."

"So, he only chose the men of the group?!" William cried, standing from his sitting position.

Alysster could only nod. William huffed audibly. "Bullshit," he muttered.

Alysster rose an eyebrow at the profanity that was spewed from William's mouth. William sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I apologize for my language, Alysster. I don't think it would be possible for the Counselor to be low on funds for this mission, considering the Council is funded by the Queen," he explained.

"Well, have you ever heard of a set budget, William?" Alysster questioned.

William went silent and Alysster chuckled. "He has been given a specific amount for the ship, supplies, as well as funds for stays at Inns, food at the Inn, as well as various other services we may need, like paying off a guard to let us pass, or paying someone to give us information," the older Courier explained.

William nodded. "Now that the concept is explained to me, I understand why the funds are there in the first place."

"Exactly. My dilemma here is whether to tell my wife personally, or have her find out,"

"No debating about that. Tell her yourself. I've heard of what she can do and, if I were you, I wouldn't want to piss off a trained fighter."

"Especially a female trained fighter," Alysster added.


"Alright, alright. I'll tell her myself. But, she'll still be mad."

"Not as mad as she would be if you just let her find out," William reasoned.

"True. I'd be better off if I experienced her tame anger," Alysster agreed.

"Tame anger?"

"I have less of a chance to lose my head if I tell her."

"I see. Then you'd better tell her soon."

Alysster merely nodded. Jacqueline's temper was fiercer than his and he didn't want to risk losing his head if he made her angry. I don't want to make her even angrier than she will be, he thought. He walked to the door and held the handle. "I'll tell her right now. I'll be back, so don't leave, even if my secretary tries to kick you out," he told William, who nodded.

Alysster left the room and went to his sleeping quarters, where his wife was sitting in one of the armchairs, reading.

"Hullo, sweetheart," he called.

She stood and gave him a peck on the lips. "Hullo, Alysster. What brings you home from work so early?" she questioned.

"News about the rescue mission," Alysster explained.

She backed away a little. "What information do you have? Will I be able to go with you on the mission?"

"The Counselor was given a specific amount of money to only send five people of his choice," Alysster began. Jacqueline's smile began to fade. "And?" she prompted.

"And you can't go."

A/N: Hey, Guys! Sorry that this took so long. I'm trying to figure out a day in the week where I can post a chapter. I can start up a poll and let you guys choose what day I should post.

Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday.

You have the freedom to choose a day from the above choices. I'm sorry I didn't post for a while, I didn't know what day I should post chapters on. I used to have it on Sunday, but I felt like I should post on a different day, so I fell away while I tried to decide on one. Since I am, by habit, indecisive, I will let you guys pick.

I will choose the day that has the most votes by next Wednesday(Thursday for any of my readers that are a day ahead of the U.S). Vote away! And please don't say that I should post every day. I don't want that kind of pressure, so don't give me that kind of pressure, please. 

Thanks for reading!


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