Chapter Eleven

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"What do you mean, I can't go?!" Jacqueline cried.

"The Counselor chose only the men to go," Alysster explained.

Jacqueline glared at Alysster, who held up his hands in surrender. "I didn't decide that. I yelled at him on your behalf, but I understand if you want to yell at him yourself," he explained.

"Did you have any part in this?" she questioned.

"No. Other than the fact that I was told who's going on the mission and who's not."

Jacqueline said something in Gallican and Alysster rose an eyebrow. "You're lucky only us Couriers can understand you, honey. Anybody else and you'd confuse the hell out of them," he said.

Jacqueline glared at him and added something else in her native language. To which his mouth dropped open. "It's not my fault, Jacqueline. I told you that. Stop blaming me for what happened!" he cried.

"You were involved in it!"

"How?! Explain to me, my involvement in the voting of who goes and who doesn't. Of course, I want to go, but I don't want to leave anyone else out. So, why would I be involved in voting you out? Explain that to me!"

"You were there when they did the voting!"

"I was not! I may be in the Council, but none of the members of the Special Force are to attend a poll. It would constitute as biased. The meeting was yesterday. Did I ever tell you that I was attending a meeting yesterday?"

Jacqueline didn't say anything. She was prepared to do so anyway if he hadn't asked that question. She snapped her mouth shut with an audible clomp!

"Don't yell at me when you remember the details of the event or events in full detail. Especially beforehand," Alysster continued. He stood rigidly with his hands clenched into fists, his fingers digging into his palms to keep him back. He knew better than to abuse a woman, especially his own wife.

Jacqueline saw the fists and looked at him in shock.

Alysster took several deep breaths and relaxed his hands. "You know I would never beat you. I'm just frustrated that you don't believe I didn't have a part to play in the voting."


"I'm not going to hurt you." Alysster walked away from where he was standing and went towards the door. "Don't yell at me again, though. I would rather not fight with you about who gets to go rescue our daughter." He paused, then continued, "but you're not alone in this endeavor. Pauline, my mother, and the Queen, all are not able to go. Not even my recent assistant, William Stevenson can go. He'll temporarily take my place while I'm away, which I hope isn't for long."

Jacqueline stayed silent as she registered his point. Yelling at him isn't going to get me a position in the rescue party, she thought. Her shoulders slumped and she hung her head low in shame for starting the fight.

She felt hands on her shoulders and looked up to meet her husband's eyes.

"Besides," he continued, "if you're here, then I have something to come back to. Something to think about when I'm on my way back. Something to miss when I leave."

Jacqueline allowed a little smile to cross her lips as she looked at her husband. "Your diplomat is showing," she teased.

"It always is," Alysster retorted playfully.

Jaqueline let her teeth show in the smile and let out a little giggle. A moment later, she was serious again. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just wanted to save our daughter with you, so badly that I—"

"That you took it out on me," Alysster finished.

Jacqueline nodded solemnly. "Yes. Anger clouded my ability to see reason. I'm sorry."

Alysster gave her a gentle smile. "You are forgiven, Jacqueline. Next time, be patient with those who say you can't do anything. There may be an important reason as to why you can't do it, whatever it may be," he told her.

Jacqueline nodded and Alysster leaned in to give her a kiss, which she accepted with happiness in her heart.

A/N: Hey, Guys! So, I only got one vote so far, which saddens me. I think I'll leave this poll up for longer and I'll post next Wednesday. I'll reply to each vote with "noted", so you know that your vote was seen.

Remember the days to vote on are: 

Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday

You can only vote once, so for those of you who want to vote a second time, sorry.

I hope you liked this chapter and...

Thanks for Reading!


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