Chapter Five

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Alysster stood in front of the Head Counselor in another attempt to get him to consider helping the cause to rescue Evangeline.

"I told you, I said no," the Head Counselor told Alysster.

Alysster held out his hands in a gesture for negotiation. "You don't realize what the stakes are. I get you don't want to save Evie because she's my daughter, but she is also an innocent life. She has not hit the point where she was able to learn any fighting skills to defend herself. If she gets out of that, she won't be able to fully escape because she doesn't have the skills necessary to fully get out of wherever she is. She doesn't know how to fight and if my daughter dies because you simply assumed she could fight, I'm taking this matter to Her Majesty.

"That won't be an issue, Alysster," said a new voice. The Head Counselor looked behind Alysster and shot up from his seat. "Your Highness!" he cried.

Alysster whirled around and found his Aunt Cassandra standing in the doorway. He bowed gracefully to her. "Your Highness," he greeted.

Cassandra inclined her head in Alysster's direction before approaching the Head Counselor. "Alysster has brought this issue to my husband's attention first and my husband brought it to me. What Alysster just told you is true. Evangeline may be his daughter, but she is defenseless as she is only fifteen. She hasn't started learning how to defend herself yet and it will prove fatal for her. Do not assume someone can defend themselves based on their status.

"Evangeline is still an innocent life, although she is Alysster's daughter, and your ignorance about that fact irritates me. She will be a member of your Council and a member of the Special Forces and your assumption that she can already fight will not pass as acceptable."

As she was speaking, the Head Counselor sat slowly and hung his head in shame. "I apologize, Your Highness," he said. "I hadn't thought—."

"That Evangeline was at fatal risk, I thought so,"

The Head Counselor hung his head and sighed as Cassandra continued, "I suggest you consider this issue before you feel the full extent of Alysster's fatherly wrath."

Th Head of Council nodded. "Yes, my Lady," he replied.

Cassandra looked at Alysster and inclined her head to him. "You may continue, Alysster," she told her nephew.

Alysster smiled in her direction and looked to the Head Counselor as his Aunt left the room. "Now, the note that was left on Evie's bed basically says that Evie will die if the Queen doesn't go to Toscana and promise this guy her kingdom," he explained.

The Head Counselor nodded several times before looking back at Alysster, a question on his face. "What are you trying to get out of getting the Council to investigate this instead of just sending the Special Forces to where she is?" he asked.

Alysster leaned forward a little. "There's a signature on here, but it's not a full name. This person only gave their initials, so I want an investigation of who wrote this note. If we can find who wrote that note then we can find who took Evie."

The Head Counselor hummed his agreement. "We can look through the list of people with a criminal record."

"Exactly. I wanted to bring this issue to you and the Council because I know we will be able to cover more ground. The list of people with criminal records is very long, so I needed some assistance with searching for whoever this person is."

While he was speaking, the Head Counselor was nodding his head several times. "That is true. I'll summon the Council together and we'll see what we can do to help you."

Alysster smiled and stood from the seat in excitement. "Thank you so much," he said.


Alysster stood before the Council and announced what he and the Head Counselor had discussed earlier.

"Yesterday, I found out that one of our future members, who happens to be a student at Redmont's School for Couriers, was kidnapped and is currently being used as a way to get the kingdom. The only situation that's preventing us from finding her, is finding out who took her." He left out his daughter's name knowing that it would make him seem that he was biased in the investigation and making her life more important than any other lives. "The only signature that's on the note is the two initials, A.D," he added.

There was a hush around the room as the other members registered what he was saying. "So, what you're saying is that you need help with searching for the one who took the girl?" asked one of the members, William. Alysster nodded. "Yes. The list of people with a criminal record is long and I would like some assistance with the search."

William nodded in turn and the room resumed its little hush. William spoke up once more. "If assistance is what you need, then assistance is what you'll get."

Alysster inclined his head in his thanks as the Head Counselor spoke. "This investigation will only be a small one. We don't want the kingdom finding out about this situation and causing fear to spread like wildfire."

The members of the Council murmured their agreement and the meeting was adjourned. On his way out, Alysster's attention was caught.

"I apologize for putting the investigation on a small scale, Alysster," said the Head Counselor.

Alysster shook his head. "No. I understand. Someone is trying to take over the kingdom and it's going to cause some panic if we reveal that this is going on," he replied. "Besides, I just want my daughter back."

The Head Counselor nodded his understanding. "Of course, Alysster. You'll get her back before you know it."

Alysster turned to leave when William approached him. "Alysster!" he called. "I was wondering if you needed some company with looking for the kidnapper?"

Alysster pondered the suggestion for a moment before he answered. "That would be nice, William. Thank you."

William beamed with happiness and Alysster chuckled at his colleague's attitude towards the investigation. "Haven't been on a proper investigation, William?" he asked.

William nodded repeatedly. "Of course not! I've been waiting for something like this and I'm excited to assist you," he said as he walked alongside Alysster, who continued to smile at his colleague's behavior. "Well, I have a small list of people to deliver to the rest of my colleagues and we'll be set to research who the kidnapper was. Join me in my office later this evening and we'll get started," Alysster told him.

William ran off toward his living quarters, leaving Alysster to walk back to his office alone.

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