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Manhattan, New York

"We have to get you in a club or something," Elise says as they sit in the quad, relaxing before they head over to the lecture that they have together with Kate.

"Why?" Anya wonders.

"Status," Elise says, "You need an organization affiliated with your name. That way when you and Kate start dating it's not like she committed to a nobody."

"Offensive," Anya says.

"Okay look at Tom Brady, his wife was a model. David Beckham's wife was a Spice Girl. They're not gold diggers who sit around, they have a hustle of their own and you, Anya, need a hustle."

"I was thinking of joining a sorority-"

"No," Elise says shaking her head, "Sororities are dark places, home to spray tans, blonde dye, and eating disorders."

Anya frowns as she looks at her sandwich.

"Okay I get it," Anya says, "Sororities have bad reps, but what if we could change that?"

"We?" Elise asks.

"Hear me out," Anya says, "We join a sorority, one that has sort of a good reputation. You're a political genius and I'm just willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want. That lethal combination right there has us climbing the ranks and president and vice president by the end of our junior year. Then we change sorority culture."

"Hm," Elise says thoughtfully, "That isn't a terrible idea. I'm president though, right?"

"Of course," Anya says, "I hate politics, I'd be a shit president. I'm happy playing the Gore to your Clinton. The Truman to your Roosevelt. The Jefferson to your Adams. The-"

"I got it," Elise says with a grin, "Lets rush. Any idea which sorority?"

"Omega Tau Nu," Anya tells her, "I met the president. Her name is Gabby and she's cool."

"Okay well we have to get in front of this Gabby and express our interest. Do you know where we do that?"

"An email?" Anya says.

"No, a frat party," Elise tells her as she points at Anya, "Which works in our favor because Kate will be there."

"Okay but there are a million frat parties," Anya says, "How will we know which-"

Anya had momentarily forgotten that she was a trained assassin and tracker.

"Never mind, I'll figure out which party they're going to, and I'll convince Kate to go so that we can get in with her," Anya says, "Two birds one stone."

Elise tilts her head, "Your Harry Potter house is Slytherin, isn't it?"

Anya was thankful for Kennedy forcing her to sit down and binge all of the Harry Potter movies with her because otherwise the reference would have been lost on her.

Anya smiles, "How'd you know?"

"You just have a very cunning mind," Elise tells her.

"Guys!" Brady says as he runs over holding up a flyer, "I have an idea!"

"No one cares," Elise says as she starts packing her things up. Anya laughs at the fact that Brady's presence was enough to scare Elise away. Brady approaches them and holds out the flyer to Anya. She takes it from him and reads over it as he breathlessly explains it to her.

"Okay so Anya wants to be a journalist and Kate is an athlete. Where do these things overlap? Sports media! They're looking for staff members!"

"Yeah, to film," Anya says as she hands the flyer back to Brady.

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