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Manhattan, New York

"Ladies as the year draws to a close you know election season is upon us," Gabby says as she looks down at the members of Omega Tau Nu, "We will be having elections to fill all positions. Just because you hold an office seat now, doesn't mean you'll be holding it next year."

Elise reaches out and squeezes Anya's hand tightly in excitement. This was the moment she had been waiting for. The moment when she could become president and make a change. The thing about Omega Tau Nu though was that it wasn't a bad sorority. They didn't discriminate against the members. Omega was diverse, which didn't seem like much but when looking at other sororities on campus, the little things spoke volumes.

Anya was weirdly proud of her sorority, and she was even prouder of the fact that they had logged more community service hours than any other sorority, raising thousands of dollars for those affected by the Blip. When recruiting, Gabby hadn't lied when she said that Omega wasn't like other sororities.

Anya had an idea of how the elections would go. Taken positions would probably stay with the juniors that were already in those positions, but with Gabby graduating as well as the Vice President, and the community chair, there were positions that would be open for anyone to swoop in.

"In order to hold these elections, we must first have an interest meeting," Gabby says, "Jayda is going to send out the survey for those of you interested in running for a position."

Gabby smiles, "Now as president I am allowed to endorse someone to fill my position and they do not have to accept the endorsement, but for this upcoming election I am nominating my little to fill this position. Anya Nikolaeva."

Anya, who had been half listening to the meeting because she didn't really have any interest in any board position and would only take one if Elise wanted her to, was shocked to hear her name. She looked up at Gabby to see her smiling over at Anya.

She looked over at Elise who seemed equally surprised at the nomination.

"So be looking at your emails ladies!" Gabby says clasping her hands together, "That concludes this meeting! Oh, wait! Make sure you have white dresses for photos this weekend and I mean white, Kenly, not off-white. Not cream. White."

"I'll have white, Gabby," Kenly says holding a thumb up.

Gabby gives her a thumbs up back and Kenly laughs as she follows the rest of the girls out of the conference room. Anya lingers after everyone clears out and makes her way over to Gabby. Gabby looks up at Anya and smiles at her.

"Anya. Hey!"

"Hey Gabby," Anya greets.

"So how are things with your new little sister? She's a real sweetheart isn't she?" Gabby asks.

Anya hadn't realized when she joined the sorority that not only would she have a big sister, but she'd be one as well. After recruitment, Anya had been stuck with a freshman exchange student named Amara. She was shy and not a pain in Anya's ass. She actually really liked Amara and felt they were a match made in heaven.

"Great," Anya says, "Amara's super cool."

"Good, I'm glad," Gabby says with a smile.

"So um that endorsement," Anya says with an awkward laugh, "Extremely unexpected."

"Really?" Gabby asks, "I don't think so. I mean I may seem a little biased, but the truth is that there is no one more qualified to fill this position than you. You've logged the most service hours and there's something about you like you've got this silent confidence thing going on."

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