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Manhattan, New York

The Wallows concert gets postponed and Kate loses her mind.

"What am I going to do?" Kate yells as she paces in Greer and Deanna's dorm room, "Anya hasn't kissed me in a week. Do you know how long a week is?"

"Seven days," Greer answers.

"168 hours," Deanna says.

Kate pauses as she looks at Deanna, "Why do you know that?"

Deanna shrugs, "No clue."

"Kate," Greer says, "You don't need some huge gesture. You and Anya are practically dating already."

"I know," Kate says, "But I want it to be a special moment like when we first met. I want to look back at this moment when we're engaged and be like 'whoa that was so cool can't believe I did that."

"Or," Deanna interjects, "You can just ask Anya out and be like 'wow I finally have a girlfriend."

Greer chuckles, "Kate's first girlfriend."

"Kate's first relationship," Deana says.

"Kate's first anything," Greer adds and the two of them fall into a fit of giggles as Kate glares at them.

"You guys think you're funny, but you're not," Kate says, "I need things to be perfect with Anya."

"Okay," Deanna says, "Look you can take Anya out to dinner and then take her to Central Park, you know where you first met. It's romantic, it's meaningful, and it will get your lips back on Anya's."

Kate thinks it over and nods her head, "You are a genius, Dee! I knew there was a reason we kept you around."

Deanna rolls her eyes, "Screw you."

"Okay so we went to this pizza place when we met and Anya never had New York pizza before, so I'll take her there, get ice cream, and huzzah we're dating."

"Huzzah?" Greer asks with a snort.

"Huzzah," Kate states, "You know like boom. Or bam."

"No," Deanna says shaking her head, "Not like boom or bam."

"Why does Anya like you?" Greer asks, "Does she know you use words like huzzah?"

"Guys," Kate whines as she collapses on Deanna's bed, "Is this a good idea? Will Anya like it?"

"Yes!" Deanna and Greer both exclaim.

"Geez no need to yell," Kate says softly.

Deanna rolls her eyes, "Look are we going to the dining hall or not. Cause if we're not I'm ordering pizza."

"Actually, I have to get back to my dorm," Kate says as she jumps off Deanna's bed, "I have a test and I haven't even opened my textbook for this week."

While that was partially true, Kate just wanted to get back to her dorm room and spend time with Anya. It was becoming her favorite thing in the entire world. Just sitting in Anya's presence.

"Kate you're slipping," Greer says, "We're going for a late-night milkshake run. You in?"

"I'll text you guys and let you know," Kate tells them.

She walks back to her dorm room and when she enters, Anya's there, sitting on her bed looking through her laptop. She looks up from her computer over at Kate and a smile spreads on her lips.

"Hey you," Anya greets.

"Hey," Kate says as she kicks her shoes off before jumping on Anya's bed. She leans against Anya's shoulder, looking at the screen to see that Anya was looking through the class catalog, "Picking your classes for next semester already?"

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