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Manhattan, New York

"I love soccer," Anya says with a smile as she stands on the sideline at Elena's soccer game. She looks over at Kate with a smile as she tucks her hand into the pocket of her jacket, "It's so fun to report on and it's really fun when you get to say GOAL!"

"Goal?" Diana asks as she looks up from her book. Anya chuckles and shakes her head.

"No one's scored Di."

"Then why would you say goal like that?" Diana asks as she looks back at her book, "It's false advertising."

"Right," Anya says as she looks over at Kate who was watching the two of them in amusement, "Anyway, I love soccer."

"Clearly you do," Kate responds with a grin. She sets her sights on Dianna, "Di, why aren't you playing soccer?"

"I'm not interested in running around and chasing a ball. I'd rather train my brain than my body. I'll leave that pointless behavior to my older sister," Diana says, not looking away from her book.

"Right," Kate says, and this time it's Anya looks at her amused.

"Love you Di!" Anya says.

"Love you too Aunt Anya," Diana responds, still not lifting her gaze from the book.

"She scares me a little," Kate whispers.

"She scares all of us," Anya responds, "Natasha says that this is exactly how Kennedy was when she was a kid so we're hoping that she'll grow up to be somewhat normal."

Kate chuckles at Anya's words, "How did Kennedy and Natasha meet exactly? I mean I know that she was with some bad organization in Russia before she joined the Avengers."

Anya's heartbeat picked up in her chest before quickly leveling out, "Well that organization was doing some intelligence research in the 90s. Natasha was a part of it in an attempt to give the image of a normal family. She lived next door to Kennedy, and they became best friends. Three years later and then Nat had to return to Russia. She escaped and defected to S.H.I.E.L.D. Then she joined the Avengers. After the attack on New York, she came back to the town they grew up in and Kennedy had waited for her."

"Really?" Kate asks.

Anya nods her head, "Romantic isn't it?"

"Extremely," Kate says, "I mean they are literal embodiments of It's Nice To Have a Friend and This Love."

Anya's brows furrow as she looks at Kate, "Are you talking about the Taylor Swift songs?"

"Yes," Kate answers, and Anya sighs.

"I suppose they are," she grumbles, "But they're also Love of My Life by Harry Styles."

Kate rolls her eyes, "I wish he never released that album."

"But he did!" Anya says with a grin, "I had to deal with you when Folklore and Evermore came out and now you get to deal with me with Harry's House."

Kate sighs, "You're lucky I love you."

"No," Anya says as she grabs the collar of Kate's jacket, "You're lucky I love you."

Kate smiles at her as she leans in and kisses Anya, making her smile. Anya takes Kate's arm and brings it around her shoulder as she tucks herself into Kate's side. They watch as Natasha coaches her team of soccer minions to another win where they won so badly that a mercy rule had to come into play.

Elena ran over to them on the sideline and rather than run to her sister or Anya, she runs directly into Kate's arms.

"Did you see me, Kate? I scored the winning goal!"

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