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Manhattan, New York

"You guys have to come to Rodney's this weekend," Brady says as he takes a seat at the table that consisted of Anya, Kate, Elise, and Deanna.

"The bar?" Elise asks.

"Yeah," Brady says, "My band is performing so they're letting minors in."

"I'm sorry," Anya says, "Did you say band?"

"You're in a band?" Elise asks, "Like a real band? That makes noises? And plays instruments?"

Brady scoffs, "Why is that so hard to believe?"

"It's not!" Anya insists.

"Don't lie to him," Elise says, "It is hard to believe."

"You've never mentioned it," Kate speaks for the first time since the shocking revelation.

"I didn't want Elise making fun of me," Brady states, "But now we actually have a gig and I need friends there and you guys are my friends."

"Well, I certainly want to watch this trainwreck. Count me in," Elise says with a smile as she takes a bite of a carrot.

"You know I play a little guitar myself," Kate says with a casual shrug, "I have an appreciation for it, so I'll be there."

"Really?" Brady asks, "Like actually?"

"Yeah," Kate says as she wiggles her fingers, "These things are magical. They pull all sorts of strings."

"I'm sure they do. Could play me like a fiddle," Elise mutters dreamily and Anya kicks her friend under the table, causing her to yelp in pain.

"That's very cool Kate," Anya says with a smile, "I'd love to hear you play sometime."

"And I would love to play for you," Kate says with a smile of her own as she rests her elbow on the table and her chin in the palm of her hand. Anya continues to stare with a shy smile of her own, and Deanna rolls her eyes at the two idiots.

"I'll be there Brady. And I'll bring Greer. She loves live bands and all that."

"Great!" Brady says, "I have rehearsals, but I'll see you guys later!"

Elise elbows Anya in the side, breaking Anya and Kate's prolonged stare, "You all know what this means right?"

"Possible ear damage?" Kate asks and everyone looks at her, not expecting the mean comment, "Sorry, I was just trying to fill in Elise's blank. That's something she would say."

"You're not wrong," Elise says, "High five, Bishop!"

Elise holds up her hand and proud of herself, Kate high fives it.

"What were you actually about to say?" Anya asks.

"Shopping! We need super-hot bar outfits. Anya, I love you, but you dress like it's still 2016. Please come join us in the future."

"I'm in the future," Anya mutters as she looks at her current outfit. She was wearing a Columbia hoodie (Kate's Columbia hoodie) and leggings. It was basic college wear. Maybe too basic now that she thought about it.

Subtly she lifted the collar of the hoodie over her nose and sniffed it.

"Are you sniffing your hoodie?" Elise asks.

"No," Anya answers.

"Columbia archery," Deanna says with a smug smile, "I didn't know that you got free hoodies for interviewing the athletes."

fortress | kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now