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Manhattan, New York

Kate and Anya sat in the student center as they tried to write their papers for their College Writing class that they took together. Anya was staring at the screen of her laptop needing three more pages, but she felt that there wasn't anything else to add to it.

"Ugh," she groans out, "I can't do this."

"Let me see what you've got," Kate says as she slides closer to Anya, looking at her computer screen.

"It's exactly the same as when you read it last night," Anya says.

"Anya, Anya," Kate says shaking her head, "Three months into your freshman year and you're already slacking up, tell me, how do you intend to graduate?"

"I am not slacking!" Anya insists, "I have writer's block."

"Well, you picked a complicated topic," Kate tells her, "You should have picked something easy. Like me."

"Your paper is literally why the Fenway Park is cursed," Anya states.

"It is," Kate whispers nodding her head, "It really is."

Anya laughs shaking her head, "You're such a nerd! I will never understand why people think you're hot or something."

Kate's brows furrow playfully, "Don't you think I'm hot or something?"

"Yes," Anya answers as she reaches out and squeezes Kate's cheek, "But I think you're hot because you are a nerd."

Kate smiles widely at Anya who laughs, shaking her head. Kate reminded her so much of a golden retriever. She was just so friendly and cute and now Anya felt weird comparing her to a dog, but sometimes the Avengers compared Steve to a golden retriever so was it that weird?

"Hey Kate."

They both looked over to see a blonde girl standing there. Anya was pretty sure that she lived in their building and wondered if she and Kate were doing a project or something.

"Um hi," Kate says.

"Congrats on your win," she says and Kate smiles kindly at her as she does to everyone because Kate is nice and friendly and sometimes Anya hates that about her. Not everyone was deserving of a smile, especially this girl.

"Thanks!" Kate tells her, still beaming.

"So Halloween is coming up and I don't know if you have plans or not, but if you don't, here's my number," she says as she hands Kate a piece of paper. She shrugs coyly, "Or you can use it if you get bored or something."

"Oh," Kate says as she takes the piece of paper and looks over it, "Thanks."

"Yeah," she says with a sheepish smile, "Anyway, see you around."

"See ya," Kate says as she watches her walk away.

"Aww that was cute," Anya says as she snatches the piece of paper from Kate's hands and drops it in a nearby trashcan, "Too bad you won't be bored anytime soon."

"Why?" Kate asks with a small smile, "Do you plan to keep me entertained?"

"I surely do," Anya responds with a smile of her own, "You and I are going to have a Harry Potter Marathon! You're a Gryffindor, I'm a Slytherin, it's a forbidden relationship. Like Romeo and Juliet. Minus the dying part."

Kate laughs, "That's seriously what you want to do for Halloween?"

"And watch super cute videos that Natasha's going to send me for the triplets' first Halloween," Anya says with a grin, "Kennedy bought them pumpkin costumes and TJ is going as a baby Jedi. Isn't that cute? I mean if you overlook the fact that he might have to run from any Anakins he might spot."

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