post-credit scene.

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Manhattan, New York

Anya steals a glance at Kate and has to stifle back her laughter. Kate notices and looks at Anya, slightly annoyed. The two of them were walking back to their apartment after Kate insisted that they go and fight crime. In the end, Kate – the greatest archer in the world – missed her target and Anya, unfortunately, was not letting her live it down.

"It's not funny," Kate insists, pouting like a child.

"It's actually hilarious," Anya responds, "I mean, he didn't even zig zag!"

Kate frowns, "I can't believe you're mocking me like this."

Anya speeds her steps up a little so that she's walking ahead of Kate and spins, so that she's facing her, "Aw, baby are you upset?"

Kate rolls her eyes and sidesteps, trying to walk around Anya, but she doesn't let her as she wraps her arms around her and pulls Kate close. Kate doesn't push Anya off and rather stands in her embrace begrudgingly.

"I'm sorry," Anya apologizes, "I'll stop mocking you."

"Thank you," Kate responds.

"To make up for being a terrible fiancé," Anya says as she steps back from Kate, "I shall buy you pizza from the pizza parlor below our apartment!"

Kate snorts, "Gee thanks. The apology every woman wants."

"Take it or leave it," Anya states.

"Of course, I'm taking it," Kate responds, and Anya smiles as she steals a kiss from Kate and takes her hand as they continue down the street.

They pick up their pizza before heading upstairs to their apartment. Kate unlocks the door, and Lucky comes over to greet them, his tail wagging happily.

"Pizza delivery!" Kate exclaims as she tosses him a slice. Anya laughs, but her laughter comes to an abrupt halt as she realizes that there is a girl in their apartment. Kate doesn't seem to notice as she returns her bow and arrows to the corner Kate had designated for them.

Anya walks over to the kitchen counter where she keeps a loaded pistol and points it at the intruder, "Who are you?"

"What?" Kate asks confused as she looks at Anya and then over at where Anya was aiming the gun.

The intruder quickly stands holding her hands up, "Whoa whoa, wait please don't shoot me!"

"Why are you in our apartment?" Anya asks. She notices something in the girl's hand to see that there are pictures of herself, and Kate displayed on it, "Were you sent here to kill us?"

"No! I'm here to recruit you guys! Honestly, I had this really cool speech planned where I was going to be like 'Did you think you guys were the only kid superhero in the world-"

"We're twenty-three," Kate states, feeling insulted by the comment, "And engaged."

"Oh, I know," the girl says, "I've read up on you guys. Congratulations, by the way!"

Anya's brows furrow and her eyes go back to the device she was holding in her hand, "Where'd you get that?"

"I found it under my couch," the girl answers quickly.

"Okay?" Kate says as she looks over at Anya. They share a look and Kate shrugs. Anya sighs as she lowers her gun. She didn't know what the girl's powers were but she had a feeling that if it came to a fight she could take her. Or shoot her. Whichever was necessary to protect her and Kate.

"You guys have just become a part of a much larger universe. Which, at the moment, is just me. Mostly. I do have others out there – did you know Ant-Man has a daughter?"

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