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Manhattan, New York

Anya had overslept. She was going to miss time travel! She rushed and got ready, running downstairs and grabbing her keys before speeding over from Staten Island to Manhattan. She runs into the facility just as everyone was standing on the landing pad. They all look over at her and Anya smiles and waves.

"Hey!" she says slightly out of breath, "Just wanted to be a witness to time travel. You know this is so cool, I wish I could come."

"Maybe when you're older," Natasha tells her. Anya holds her middle finger up at Natasha, making her smile at the sight. 

"Alright," Steve says, "We get the stones. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesn't mean that we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives and we're going to win. Whatever it takes."

Rocket nods his head, "He's pretty good at that."

"You owe me a birthday party," Tony says as he looks at the raccoon. Tony wanted to throw Morgan a Paw Patrol birthday party and he thought that five-year-olds were stupid and didn't know the difference between a talking dog and a talking raccoon.

"Alright since you invented time travel I'll do your stupid birthday party," Rocket says, "Anything else?"

"Nope," Tony says with a satisfied smile.

"Can I touch things?" Anya asks as she looks at the control panel, "I mean I'm sure I can send you off into the past it looks pretty easy-"

"Do not touch anything," Tony orders and Anya sighs, her shoulders sagging.

"You guys are no fun," Anya insists.

Bruce flips switches and Kennedy can't help but smile, "Guys we're time traveling!"

"Calm down, we're not going to Disney," Tony tells her. Bruce joins them on the landing pad and slaps his watch.

"See you in a minute," Natasha says with a small smile. Anya watches at their helmets deploy before they're sucked down into the quantum time portal. She stands there for a moment and pulls out her phone and as soon as the number changes on the screen. She hears a loud noise and looks back at the landing pad.

Everyone was accounted for.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asks as he looks at each team to see them holding a stone.

"Holy shit," Anya says as she looks at her phone and back at them, "You guys were really gone for a minute."

Rhodey grins as he holds up his stone, "Are you telling me this actually worked?"

Kennedy holds up the Soul stone, "Boom."

"Alright," Tony says, 'We need to get these stones in a gauntlet and reverse snap so we can save the world and I can make it back in time for dinner with Morgan and Pepper."

They head into the lab and Tony takes the stones, placing them in an Iron Man gauntlet.

"Okay," Tony says, getting everyone's attention, "The gauntlet is ready. Only question is who will do it?"

"I will," Bruce says, "Thanos almost died when he snapped. The gamma radiation should absorb it, so I'll take care of this."

"Okay remember everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago; you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years."

Bruce nods his head, "Got it."

"Stay outside the lab," Natasha orders Anya and she sighs as she obeys the order. Older sisters sucked.

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