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Manhattan, New York

Anya didn't expect to spend day ten of Kennedy's Christmas celebration in the hospital, but she didn't really have a choice seeing as she had been shot in the shoulder and was in desperate need of stitches.

"We could have done this at home," Anya mutters.

"Yeah, and let Elena get a hold of this stuff? I don't think so," Kennedy responds with a smile, "How are you holding up?"

"I don't feel the urge to murder if that's what you're wondering," Anya responds, and Kennedy laughs softly as she begins working on Anya's shoulder.

"I meant how are you with the whole situation," Kennedy states.

"I'll probably have to get the number of Bucky's therapist," Anya says, "I mean I hear that woman is heaven-sent. Sam tells me that Bucky's dating."

"What?" Kennedy asks, "Who is she? Is she gorgeous? Where does she work? Why did no one tell me this!"

Anya snorts, "Probably because you get way too excited about other people's love lives. Sharon says you spent the entirety of your time at SHIELD trying to find her someone, and Maria thinks you're trying to set her up as well."

"That's because I am!" Kennedy exclaims, "I work with this really hot doctor, Angelica, and I think she and Maria would get along great! And if not for me, Alex and Sharon wouldn't be together, and neither would Steve and Marin, so everyone owes me!"

Anya laughs, but her laughter quickly comes to a halt as the wall begins to spark. She stares with furrowed brows as she taps Kennedy on the shoulder.

"Kennedy, the wall is sparking."

Kennedy turns around just as a massive portal opens, and into the room walk Wong and Dr. Strange.

"Stephen! Wong! Welcome!" Kennedy says smiling, "What brings you through the wall?"

"Yeah, aren't you guys literally down the street?" Anya asks as she points her thumb over her shoulder.

"Yes," Stephen says, "And we probably could have come here like normal people."

"But where's the fun in any of that," Kennedy states, "Did you receive my invitation for the twelve days of Christmas?"

"We did! We actually came because of that," Wong states as he looks around, "We um we thought you'd be in your home."

"Oh yeah, we had a little incident, Anya tried to kill Clint, and she got shot, so I'm stitching her up," Kennedy responds. She smiles and holds the needle out to Stephen, "Wanna give this a go?"

"I think I'm out of practice," Stephen responds.

"You used to practice?" Anya asks.

"I dabbled," Stephen says with a shrug.

"A humble doctor," Kennedy says with a smile, "That's rare."

Stephen's eyes sparkle, and he smiles at Kennedy.

"Well, we're pretty much finished here and can give you guys a ride to the house?" Kennedy says as she begins putting the equipment away.

"We would love that," Wong states, and Kennedy beams. There was nothing she loved more than bringing people together.

They end up back at the house where Christmas continues as though nothing happened. Everyone knows that something happened, but Kennedy threatens everyone to enjoy Christmas, and there is nothing scarier than Kennedy Emily Louise Allen-Romanoff. She loved Christmas.

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