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Manhattan, New York

"This is such a terrible idea," Greer says as they make their way toward the clock tower.

"Frankly I disagree," Kate says, "I think it's a great idea."

"Would you think that if Anya were here?" Deanna asks from beside Greer. Kate stops walking and looks back at her two friends.

"Anya does not hear a word about this," Kate orders, her eyes dancing between Greer and Deanna, "Am I clear?"

"Oh yes lord Kate, you are very clear," Greer says sarcastically and Kate glares at her.

They look up at the clocktower and a smile crosses Kate's lips, "There it is girls."

"We see," Deanna says as she looks over at Kate.

Kate looks over at the two of them, "You know for two people who made a bet, you seem very unenthusiastic about the consequences of the bet."

"Well, when I said you couldn't ring the bell in clocktower I wasn't being serious. You're the one who turned it into a bet," Greer says.

"I did not," Kate responds.

"We literally said, 'you don't have to' and you said, 'no I'm going to," Deanna reiterates.

Kate rolls her eyes, "Whatever. You guys stay here, I'm going to break into the building across from the clocktower."

"You said that a little too casually for me," Greer says, and Kate ignores the comment as she heads over to the doors of the buildings and tries to pick the lock. Thanks to her super-hot and also super dangerous girlfriend, Kate now knew how to pick a lock. There were a lot of cool things about Anya being an assassin. Like she knew how to pick a lock and could identify traits about people from a mile away.

Kate thought Anya was amazing in every sense of the word. In a way, it was like she was dating her own superhero.

Kate tries to pick the lock, and truthfully when Anya was teaching her how to pick a lock she wasn't paying much attention to the lock picking and more so to the fact that her girlfriend was such a badass.

Kate sighed loudly as she gave up on the lock and looked up to see that she could probably scale the building.

"Kate," Deanna says her name as though it were a warning.

"Deanna," Kate says as she slings her bow over her shoulder as she begins climbing the building. Deanna watches her with wide eyes before looking over at Greer to see if she was seeing the same thing that she was.

"Is she climbing that?" Deanna asks, "How the hell is she doing that? When we were in seventh grade she couldn't even climb the rope in gym class!"

"Well she's clearly developed some sort of climbing skills," Greer mutters as she watches her teammate scale the building, "Should we call Anya? I feel like this is something we should call Anya about."

"She told us not to call Anya," Deanna says.

"Right," Greer mutters, "What if you called Elise who called Anya? That way we didn't tell Anya."

"Good point," Deanna says as she pulls out her phone and sends a text to Elise before pocketing her phone.

When Kate reaches the top of the building, she looks across the way at the clock tower before pulling out her phone and seeing that there were several text messages from Anya. She smiles at her screen as she checks the messages.

Please save me. Reagan and Wanda are making out while we're supposed to be watching the Polar Express. I think they forgot I'm here and hands are disappearing

fortress | kate bishopWhere stories live. Discover now