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Manhattan, New York

"Give it to me again," Tony requests.

"Tony, I've given it to you like five times. How many more ways can I give it to you?" Kennedy asks as she sits across from the billionaire.

"Okay, how about you backtrack to the part where Anya participates in the Hunger Games and go from there?" Tony requests.

Kennedy sighs as she throws her head back. She leans over in her seat, "Anya is a tracking and killing machine. Clint killed her friends. Yelena was approached by Valentina, the bad lady who gave me the super serum-"

"And also interviewed you when you were nine-"

"More so interrogated, but yes," Kennedy states, "She told Yelena about Widows that were murdered in Japan. Clint was also in Japan. The Widows were found with stab wounds matching Clint's sword. Now Anya's kill mode is activated, and she will do anything to kill him. And if she doesn't kill him, if she fails the mission, then she must terminate herself."

Tony nods his head, "I think I got it."

"Great!" Kennedy exclaims, "Because we need heavy-hitting power. I'm talking Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wanda. Because Anya will kill us."

"Are we gonna die?" Tony asks, "Because Anya partaking in a real-life Hunger Games makes me think we're going to die. I've seen that kid and to know she wasn't even fighting at full strength scares me."

"Tony, you're a grown man with a bunch of iron suits. You've fought Thanos!"

"Yes, and we nearly lost both times," Tony states.

Kennedy stands, "Fine-"

"Ken," Tony states, "I'm kidding. I'm just – this situation is pretty heavy I wanted to lighten it. Clint killed innocent young women and Anya is going through a lot and I hate that. I love that girl."

"I love her too," Kennedy says, "Which is why I need your help. If we're fighting Anya she's going to fight us to kill. We need a way to subdue her so that we can talk to her."

"Okay um I can make some sound stuff," Tony states, "It'll be a high-pitched screech but I can create us coms that will make us immune to it."

"Brilliant!" Kennedy says, "See I knew I came to you for a reason."

"Aunt Kennedy!"

Tony and Kennedy both look up as Morgan makes her way down the stairs. Kennedy rises to her feet and scoops up her.

"Are the triplets coming over?" Morgan asks.

"No they're at home with Aunt Natasha-"

The front door opens and Natasha and Wanda enter Tony's house. He stares at the door and then looks down at his phone wondering how he didn't pick them up on his security camera.

"Hey so we have a plan, of sorts," Natasha states.

"That's great. Who is watching our kids?" Kennedy asks.

"Reagan," Natasha answers.

"Natasha!" Kennedy exclaims, "You know Reagan is easily overwhelmed!"

"Yeah well we're in crisis and I can't ask anyone else to babysit!" Natasha exclaims.

"Oh yeah?" Kennedy asks as she sets Morgan down, "Why are we in crisis? Because someone decided to keep their best friend's nefarious deeds a secret!"

"Morgan," Tony says as he reaches for his daughter, "Come to Daddy."

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