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Manhattan, New York

Anya didn't like being the center of attention. Yes, she was dating someone who loved being at the very center of attention, but that didn't mean that Anya did. She was content being lost in the crowd.

"I don't want a graduation party," Anya mutters as she watches Peter anxiously pace back and in forth in the kitchen, "It's just a piece of paper."

"A really expensive piece of paper," Wanda responds as she looks at the younger woman, "Why don't you want a party?"

"You know why," Anya says, "The same reason you never want a birthday party."

"Because you don't know what to look at when people sing happy birthday?" Wanda asks.

Anya's brows knit together, "That's why you never want a birthday party?"

"Yes!" Wanda exclaims, "It's so uncomfortable. Everyone looking and singing for you and it's weird if you make eye contact with one of them."

Anya smiles, "Why don't you just stare at Reagan the entire time?"

Wanda's eyes narrow and Anya closes her eyes and starts making kissing noises. Wanda looks for something to throw at Anya, but she can't locate anything, so instead, she decides to play dirty and slide Anya's chair out from under her.

"Ah," Anya exclaims as she falls onto the ground, "That hurt!"

"It was supposed to!" Wanda exclaims.

"I hate you," Anya says as she stands and dusts herself off.

"You're getting a graduation party," Wanda tells her, and Anya sighs as she sits back down.

"Can you at least make it so that it's an extremely short graduation party? Like everyone yells congrats and gives me money and then they leave?"

Wanda laughs, "You know I have no say in this. Kennedy and Melina are planning it and weirdly enough it's the most excited I've seen her."

Anya opens her mouth to mention how excited Melina was when the twins were born, but she quickly closes her mouth knowing that it was best to leave the past where it was. But Wanda could see that she was holding something back.

"You can talk about it you know," Wanda says as she looks down at the table.

"What?" Anya asks, playing dumb.

"The last five years," Wanda tells her, "It's not some big secret that you have to tuck away. I hate that I missed a lot, but I'm missing more with you sparing my feelings."

"I'm sorry," Anya says.

Wanda smiles as she looks at Anya, "You shouldn't be." Anya looks down at the table sheepishly. Wanda laughs softly, "You know we're only two years apart now."

"It's weird to think about," Anya responds, "I mean now Reagan and I are the same age. That makes me feel really weird because I always looked up to her and now we have the same life experience. I have more though cause I've been in a relationship for the last four years."

Wanda rolls her eyes, "I get it. Reagan and I made things harder on ourselves than necessary."

"Just a lot," Anya says with a smile, "Please get them to cancel this party."

"I literally cannot," Wanda responds.

"I will be your servant for the rest of my life if you do me this favor," Anya says.

Wanda shakes her head, "If Kennedy found out she'd be disappointed."

"Ugh, you're right but is my pain and suffering worth that?" Anya questions.

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