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Readers pov~
Jeff... Jeff is kissing me....
I'm frozen... I can't move. His lips were rough but somehow felt gentle. His touch made chills go up my spine. I could feel my face turning red. It felt like an eternity....
Just then he pulled away. I look up at him with still shocked eyes. He smirks, "What?"
I snap out of it and say, "You... You just kissed me..."
He laughs, "Well no shit."
"But... Why?" I ask. He looks deep into my eyes and with his rough voice he says, "Why? Why not? I did it because...I like you."
I blush. My voice is a bit shaky, "Really? I..I thought you were trying to make me join you." He messes with his hair, "Well yeah that too... So we could... Be together."
He seemed embarrassed and I could tell he was blushing. I would've never imagined the day where I would be with Jeff the killer... And be a killer myself....
"B-but Jeff that's such a huge decision... What about my family and friends. And school?!"
He sighed, "Fine. I'll let you think about it. I'll meet with you later. "
He walked away leaving me frozen on the spot.
"Holy shit!" (bff/n) says behind me. I turn and look at her still in shock.
"oh my god (y/n)! That was him?! Tell me everything!" she shook me.
I couldn't talk, "I-I.... Hold on.. I'm still trying to take everything in... Let's sit down."
We walked to the table and sat down. I couldn't tell her about the creepypasta thing. She didn't know about it bit still I couldnt tell her...
"That was... Jeffery Woods...but everyone calls him Jeff..." I said.
I then explained 'how we met'and what he is like.
"Aahhhhhhhhh OMG!" she squealed. I laughed and felt myself blush.
We left the food court soon after and walked around the mall. I couldn't get Jeff off my mind....
Should I join him? If I did, would I be able to actually kill people? Will my family be suspicious? When will I have to do my "job"?
All these questions filled my mind...
Sorry this was really short. I'm having some writers block and I'm really tired. Please forgive me. I will update when I can

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