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Readers pov~
"How does this look?" (bff/n) asks twirling around in a blue dress.
"Oh my God (bff/n) this is the 10th outfit you try on! Can you just please make a choice so we can go to a different store?" I groan.
We have been in this store for what seemed like forever. I had been sitting here just giving my opinion on different outfits (bff/n) had tried on this whole time. Unwashed getting really bored and wanted to shop somewhere else.
"Oh come on (y/n)! Stop whining! I guess I'll go with this then," she says.
As we are paying I hear my name being whispered, "(y/n)..."
I quickly turn around.
I don't see anybody there....
"Are you okay (y/n)?" (bff/n) asks as she hands the cashier money.
I look around, "Um... Yeah I just thought I heard someone calling me that's all."
We walk around I start to feel a bit paranoid. I can't get the idea that someone's watching me out of my head. I just feel like there are eyes glued to me at all times...
"So where do you want to go next???" (bff/n) asks.
I snap out of my thoughts and turn to her, "Oh well... I don't know. Didn't really bring that much money. Maybe Hot topic?"
We walk towards the store and enter. I head for the section that holds the (favorite band/show) merch.
I turn at the sound of my name. Again... No one.
I just want this to stop already! I feel like I'm going insane!!!
I pay for the merch I bought and walk out with (bff/n).
"Can we sit for a bit?" I ask.
She nods, "yeah sure, is soothing wrong?"
"No.. I'm just tired. My head hurts a bit," I lie.
We sit at a table and talk for a bit.
I'm back at home from a long day at the mall. I sigh as I put down my shopping bags and plop down onto my bed.
I jolt up. AGAIN there is no one.
"I can't take this anymore! Just stop!" I yell.
I lay back down and cover my head with my pillow. I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember anything else...
I'm in a dark room.
"Hello?" I call out. My voice echos through the room.
"(y/n)..." I hear.
"Who the fuck are you and why can't you leave me alone?!?" I scream.
I then see a figure emerge from the dark corner.
I squint but as it comes closer I see it's Jeff.
"Jeff?.... "
She smiles, "Shhhhh"
"But what-" I say before I was interrupted. "I told you to be quiet. Listen to me. If you want to be with me you have to listen to me. I don't wanna hurt you," he turns me around and hold me with a knife to my neck.
I can't speak. I'm too scared... I like him.. But he is also an insane killer! What do I do?!
"Good girl," he says. He takes the knife away from my neck and let's me go. He still has a grip on my hand and he says, "Promise you won't run.."
I nod.
He let's my hand go and I feel other hands grab me from behind and pull me into the darkness. I see Jeff disappear and all I see is black...
I jolt up. I'm in my room. It's dark...
I turn to my clock and see it's 3am.
I groan and stand up to change into more comfortable clothing since I fell asleep in jeans and a T-shirt. I chance into a tank top and shorts.
I sigh as I lay back down.
I suddenly feel really cold. I look up and see my window was open.
"What? Was it like that the whole time?" I ask myself.
I stand up and close it.
I take a deep breath as I look out the window and look at the night sky.
I turn to lay back down in bed when I bump into something. I look to see bright eyes and a wide smile staring at me...
Sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER! I've just been a little busy and have had writers block. I honestly kida don't know where this story is going but I have a slight idea. ≧ω≦ sorry if there are any miss-spellings or wrong usage of words. I just pulled an all nighter and I can't concentrate.

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