I don't want this to be goodbye

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Readers pov~

Jeff held my hand as he led me upstairs. He was exceptionally quiet.


He didn't respond. He just continued to pull me by the arm as we reached the top of the stair case.
"Jeff are you okay?" I wanted him to turn around. I wanted him to face me. But he didn't.

We walked down the hallway until we reached a plain white door. Jeff opened it and pulled me inside.
I looked around the room. It's a pretty big room for one person. The walls are black and hanging on the walls are dozens of knives of all different shapes and sizes. The bed is king sized and has soft white sheets.

I suddenly felt Jeff pull me into his arms. "Jeff?"
Again, he didn't answer. He just held me.

"Please talk to me Jeff. It's weird hearing you so quiet." He stroked my hair and finally spoke up. "Please... " My eyes widened because at that moment, I heard something that I have never heard before... Jeff's voice cracked. Was he crying? "Jeff? Jeff look at me." I pulled away from his embrace and stood before him.

He was looking down, his jet black hair covering his eyes. "I can't," he whispers.

"Why? Jeff I just want you to look into my eyes for a second. Please..."

He picks his head up and our eyes lock. His eyes are sparkling from the tears that started to flow down his pale cheeks.
"J-Jeff... Why are you crying?"

He touches his cheek and then looks at his hand. "W-what... What the hell is this?" His eyes widen in panic as he tries to wipe the liquid away but more keeps coming out of his eyes.

I take a hold of his arms. "Jeff calm down. They're just tears. You're crying."
He calms down and sighs, "I... I haven't cried since before I lived in the mansion..." I let his arms go and embrace him as I wrap my arms around his body. "(Y/n)... You actually made me cry..." he whispers.
I reply, "How'd I do that?" He hugs me back and says, "By making me feel..."

"What did I make you feel?"

"A lot of things..."


"Sadness... Because you have to leave..."

"And what else?"

"Happiness... When I kissed you."

"Is that all?"

"And love... Even though we've only been seeing each other for a short amount of time... I felt it... And I've never felt that before..."

I couldn't think of anything else to say or how to reply to him...



"Can I love you goodbye?"

I pull back from the hug, "What do you mean by that?"

"You know... I want to love you... Physically... Before you have to go." I stayed quiet. I didn't know how to answer.

"(Y/n)... I want to hold you, caress you, and make you feel beautiful... I was going to wait till the right moment but... We don't have much time."

"J-Jeff I... I don't know. I don't think I'm ready I mean... I... I love you but we've only been seeing each other for a short while and I'm-"

"Then run away with me," he interrupted.

This caught me more off guard than his previous statement. "R-Run away? Jeff I can't run away. I already told you I have school and my family."
He stayed silent for a moment. "I'm sorry (Y/n)... I wasn't thinking. I'm just... So desperate to keep you in my arms... UGHH!" He screams and holds his hands to his face. "Why can't we just be together?!" He yells as he drops to his knees.

"Jeff... Hey... It's alright... " I bend down to level with him. "Look... I'll do it. Not run away... But... The other thing." Jeff looks up. His hair falls over his glossy eyes.
"What? Really?"
"Yes... I love you and... I... want you."
His frown turned into a smile larger than I've ever seen (if that's possible for Jeff). He tackles me down in a hug. I laugh as he lays on top of me and places kisses from my cheek to my lips.

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while and everyone was waiting for one so here it is. I know it's a bit short but it's better than nothing. There might be only a chapter or two before the end of this book so I want to do something fun like a Q&A or even a contest. Tell me what you guys think please! I'll talk more about it if people are interested. Oh and sorry for any mistakes in the chapter, please correct me if you see any incorrect grammar.

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