He's waiting

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Readers pov~

The next day after I went into my room. I had an eerie feeling that I was beeing watched and after what happened yesterday I feel so paranoid.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and when I walked in I saw on the bathroom mirror, writin in what seemed like blood, "Im watching you beautiful"

There was no doubt in my mind that it was Jeff.

I stood in terror staring at the mirror and checking my surroundings.

I grabbed a towel and a cleaning spray. I was pretty sure it was real blood so I tried not to stain anything.

After I was finally done cleaning up the mess I left back to my room.

I walk in and see that the window is wide open. I look on my bed and see a paper. I pick it up. On it is written, "Im waiting for you -love jeff"

Hey guys auick update during school. Sorry if its short :3

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