The Run In

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Avery's POV
Tonight I'm going out for the first time in a while. I don't usually go out because I have a little boy name Luca who is just about 1 year old and he's the love of my life. My mom is gonna come over and babysit him for me. I was curling my hair and Luca was in his playpen in the living room when I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened it and my mom was at the door. I said "where's your key?" She laughed and said "forgot it at the house." I said "oh lord. Thank you again for watching him." She said "of course. I love my time with Luca." I said "I won't be gone late." My mom said "don't worry about it. You deserve a break." I finished getting ready and then went out to the living room and gave Luca a kiss and said "mommy loves you bubby." My mom said "go have fun mommy." I walked out and headed to the bar where I met my friends. I was getting another drink at the bar when some guy bumped into me. He turned around and said "my bad." I said "yeah it is. Watch your going next time." He said "I already said I'm sorry. You can at least accept the apology." I rolled my eyes and said "whatever. Apology accepted." He said "can I buy you a drink." I smiled and said "ok."

Jalen's POV

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