The Party

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Avery's POV
I stared at that message from Jalen for a while before I decided to just close my phone and think about it. Today though is Lucas birthday party. His actual birthday is tomorrow but we're having his party today. I was putting the last minute touches on the goodie bags for the kids when I realized I forgot the last thing to put in the bags. I checked the time and I had enough time to run to target to pick it up. Luca is at my sisters so I grabbed my phone and keys and headed to target. I was in the candy section when I heard a familiar voice say "well fancy seeing you here." I turned and saw Jalen. I said "hey." He said "hey. What are you here for?" I said "I'm getting the last minute things for my little ones birthday party." He said "oh when's his party?" I looked at my phone clock and said "in about 3 hours." He said "oh wow. So you've probably been busy." I said "I have been. But I did see your message. I haven't been ignoring more so just debating." He said "look I won't force you into anything but I am being serious when I say that I want to get to know you and we can go as slow as you need to." I smiled and said "what do you think about coming to my Luca's birthday party." He said "seriously?" I said "if you don't have anything going on." Jalen smiled and said "I don't." I gave him the address and said "okay I gotta get going. I'll see you later."

Jalen's POV
I went home and changed before realizing I didn't have anything for Luca's birthday present. I decided to call my manager and ask if he could pull any strings for me. He told me that I had to stop by the stadium and pick up tickets at the front office. So I picked up the tickets and headed to where the party was being held. When I walked in I saw Avery right away she was holding a little boy who I figured out was Luca. When I walked over to them Avery said "hey thank you for coming." I said "of course. Thanks for having me." Someone came over and Avery said "hey mom this is Jalen." Her mom said "ahh the one you met at the bar the other week." She laughed and said "yeah." Another voice said "Av you didn't tell us it was Jalen Hurts who got drafted by the eagles this year." I felt my face get hot and Avery said "oh my god. I didn't even put two and two together. I thought you looked familiar but I couldn't figure out from where." I said "I normally don't introduce myself as being a professional athlete." She smiled and said "ok enough fawning over him. The food is over there." She pointed towards three tables full of food. I said "thanks." I watched as she walked over to another to talk with an older couple. She handed Luca off and made rounds talking to everyone.

After the party I decided to stay and help her clean up. Luca was sound asleep in his carrier on her chest. We were taking presents out to her car and she said "I seriously can't believe how much stuff he got." I laughed and said "he's a very loved little guy." Avery said "he is. Thank you again for the tickets." I laughed and said "hopefully you two are my good luck charms." She smiled and said "ok I'll go on a date with you."

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