The Test

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Jalen's POV
The last few weeks Avery has been feeling not the best. She's been getting migraines more than anything. I walked into the apartment from my workout and I heard her crying. I said "baby what's wrong?" She said "my head feels like it's about to explode." I said "that's it we're going to the ER." She said "no we can't take Luca." I said "remember my parents have him for the day." She said "oh yeah." I said "let's go." I helped her walk outside and get in the car. She said "I can't even keep my eyes open." I said "has this happened before?" She said "no never." When we got to the hospital I parked and helped her walk in. When we walked in I said "I need a nurse." Someone came over and said "what can I do for you sir?" I said "my girlfriend has been getting migraines for the last few weeks and today she can't even keep her eyes open." The nurse said "ok. Let's get her checked in." She led us to the check in area and said "ok sir can she open her eyes enough to answer the questions?" Avery said "no ma'am." The way she said it sounded weird but I didn't think anything of it. The nurse said "ok. I'll let him fill it out." She handed me a clipboard with papers and I filled the questions out as much as I could. The nurse took all of Avery's vitals. Avery said "I feel sick." She slurred her words and the nurse looked at me and said "ok I'm gonna page a Dr." She did something on her phone and moments later she had a wheelchair and took us to a room. Avery said again she was gonna be sick so the nurse got her a bucket and I held it for her. She threw up and a few minutes later a Dr came in. He said "hi I'm Dr Aren. What seems to be the issue." The nurse told the doctor what was going on and the doctor said "ok. We're gonna do a cat scan and do some labs."

Four hours later the Dr walked in and said "ok. You have a mass on your brain. So we are gonna need to do surgery immediately." I said "a mass as in cancer?" He said "we won't know until we operate and send it to pathology." Avery said "I can't have cancer. I can't leave my son." I said "it's gonna be ok we'll get through it." A little bit later Avery was taken back to surgery and I called her mom and my parents and they all got to the hospital as soon as possible. My dad walked in carrying Luca and I took him from his arms and just held him. Avery's mom said "I can't believe this is happening." I said "I should have brought her sooner." Her mom said "no Jalen don't think that. She's stubborn and wouldn't let you." I said "I should of given her no choice." My mom said "baby you can't think like that."

Avery has been in surgery for about 6 hours now. Luca is sound asleep on my chest and I feel like my world is falling apart. Dr Aren walked out and sat down by all of us. Avery's mom said "what's the verdict?" The doctor said "we couldn't get the whole thing because of where it is." I said "what does that mean?" The doctor said "we have to wait until the pathology report comes back. So when we get that report back we'll hopefully know the game plan."

A few days later after the pathology report came back we found out Avery does in fact have cancer. She has glioblastoma. So she'll be starting chemo and radiation in the next few weeks. I was sitting next to her in a chair while she was in her hospital bed. She said "you have a game tomorrow right?" I said "yeah but I'm not going." She said "babe yes you are. Go for me. So I can watch you on tv." I said "I don't wanna leave you." She said "my mom can come stay. Ask your mom and dad if they can take Luca with them." I said "ok. I love you." She said "I love you." When I left the hospital that night my parents agreed to bring Luca to the game tomorrow and Avery's mom was at the hospital with her.

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