The Date

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Avery's POV
Tonight I'm going out with Jalen. We've been texting everyday and we both finally have a free night. My mom is keeping Luca again but this time at her house. I just got home from dropping him off. I got a shower and then I dried my hair and curled it. I got dressed in a pair of jeans, an orange tank top and heels. When I was dressed and ready to go Jalen texted me that he was leaving his house. My nerves started to kick in and I kept pacing back and forth. I took a drink of the tequila that was in my cabinet and then there was a knock on my door. I took a deep breath and then went over and opened the door. Jalen was there holding a bouquet of roses and I said "you didn't need to do that." He smiled and said "yeah I did." He gave me the flowers and I put them in a vase. When we walked outside Jalen opened the door for me and helped me in his car. While we were driving I had my hand resting on the center console and Jalen grabbed it. I smiled to myself and it just felt comfortable. I said "so where we going?" He said "Ocean Prime." I said "that's insanely expensive." He said "it doesn't matter." I said "your crazy." He said "I only want the best with you." I said "I appreciate that but you know money doesn't mean anything to me." He said "I know." When we got to the restaurant Jalen opened my car door for me when we were walking in he had his hand on my back and being very protective. We got in and ordered our drinks and food. We were talking and Jalen said "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I said "hopefully married growing my family and watching Luca growing up." He smiled and said "do you mind me asking about his dad?" I said "he was my college boyfriend. We tried to make it work but we realized we're better off as friends. He has him every other weekend. Luca loves his dad and that's all that matters to me." Jalen said "I think as long as Luca's happy that's all that matters." I said "exactly. Enough about him though I wanna know why you want to go out." He said "first of all because your gorgeous. Secondly because when we were talking at the bar that night I felt like I was talking to someone I've known my whole life." I smiled and said "look I promised myself I wouldn't date that I would only focus on Luca. But then you came around." He said "what do you mean?" I said "talking to you has just felt so good. Like I've met someone I can be with." He smiled and for the next three hours we just talked and ate and enjoyed our time together.

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